《閑詠》李白 (701-762)__ 江紹倫英譯

《At Easy I Sing》Li Bai (701-762)

犬吠水聲中  Solitary barks mingle with water chatters
桃花帶露濃  Peach blossoms glow radiant carrying dews
樹深時見鹿  Shy deers are vivid in the depth of trees
溪午不聞鐘  Tolls heard no more on midday streams

野竹分青靄  Wild bamboos gleam among lush greens
飛泉掛碧峰  From a blue peak a waterfall wings freely
無人知所去  No human trace seen I know not where to go
愁倚兩三松  On pines two or three I alone lean

《念奴娇. 追思焦裕禄 (1990)》习近平(1953– ) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Charm of a Maiden Dancer_Remembering Jiao Yulu(1990)》Xi Jinping

魂飞万里  Your soul in ten thousand li divagates
盼归来  Its return I pray
此山此水此地  To this our hills rills and land
百姓谁不爱好官  Who among our people loves not a good public servant
把泪焦桐成雨  See the huge Jiao Tongs your rainy tears have grown
生也沙丘  On this sand dune you strived alone
死也沙丘  On this sand dune your life in doom
父老生死系  Bound in life and death with people young and old
暮雪朝霜  Through eve snows and twilight frosts
毋改英雄意气  Your heroic spirit insistent Continue reading

《夢歸》《鷓鴣天·薄命妾辭》《人月圓·卜居外家東園》元好問 (1190-1257) __ 江紹倫英譯

《夢歸》《Dreaming for Home》Yuan Haowen (1190-1257)

憔悴南冠一楚囚  In languish I am now in prison
歸心江漢日東流  To return home my wish flows like a river incessant
青山歷歷鄉關夢  Hills remain green I see my homeland in my dream
黃葉蕭蕭風雨秋  Leaves turn yellow under severe rains and winds
貧裡有詩工作祟  In lanes with poor families there are plenty of poems
亂來無淚可供愁  When confused grief could not be washed away with tears
殘年兄弟相逢在  In these destitute years we brothers rejoice to meet again
隨分齏鹽萬事休  Happily we share salted veggies nothing we care to gain  Continue reading

《摸魚兒. 雁丘》元好問 (1190-1257)__ 江紹倫英譯


《Tune: Groping for Fish.The Wild Geese Tomb》Yuan Haowen (1190-1257)

問世間 情是何物To the world I ask what love is
直教生死相許Engaging couples through life and death Continue reading

《閱報戲作二絕》《甲申除夕病榻作(1945)》《丁亥元夕(1947)》《庚寅元夕(1950)》陳寅恪(1890-1969) __江紹倫英譯



弦箭文章苦未休  權門奔走喘吳牛
自由共道文人筆  最是文人不自由

《A Poem after Reading Newspapers》Chen Yin Ke(1890-1969)

‘Tis a pity to see flattering essays in the literary scene
People rush to doors of power for comforting inn
Freedom implies rules for writings of quality
Alas how many writers know not what is to be free

《甲申除夕病榻作時目疾頗劇離香港又三年矣 (一九四五年二月)》 Continue reading

《小池》楊萬里(1127-1206) 江紹論英譯

《Small Pond》Yang Wan Li (1127-1206)   

泉眼無聲惜細流  Slowly a spring gushes in silence its source not seen
樹陰照水愛晴柔  Tree branches cast shadows in the water softly beam
小荷才露尖尖角  A lotus shoot emerges above water its bud gleams
早有蜻蜓立上頭  A dragonfly hurries to stand on it to survey the scene

《憶羅浮》古成之(968-1038) 江紹論英譯

《憶羅浮》古成之《Remembering Mt. Luofo》Gu Cheng Zhi (968-1038)

憶昔羅浮最上峰  I recall the highest peak of Mt. Luofo in days old
當年曾得寄仙踪  Up there dwelled immortals their presence known
憑闌月色出滄海  By the rail I watch the moon emerging from the sea
欹枕秋聲入古松  On my pillow I hear autumn winds amid old pines hiss Continue reading

《毛澤東詩詞英譯》__ 江紹倫





《糖多令.重過武昌》劉過 (1154-1206) 江紹論英譯

《Tune: Sugar Rich Song_Passing Through Wu Chong Again》Liu Guo (1154-1206)

蘆葉滿汀州  The marshland is filled with thriving reeds
寒沙帶淺流  Cool sands underlie the shallow water’s leads
二十年重過南樓  It’s been twenty years since I last visited the south tower
柳下繫船猶未穩  My boat tied to the willows it moors not proper
能幾日  In days few
又中秋  The Mid-autumn Festival will be here Continue reading

《揚州官滿辭后土題玉立亭》宋.崔與之(1158-1239) 江紹倫英譯

《揚州官滿辭后土題玉立亭》《On Retirement from Office at Yangzhou》

天上人間一樹花  Humanity and the universe is one flowering tree
五年於此駐高牙  For five years I led the local office in this community
不隨紅藥矜春色  There is no amusement with spring blooms and gaiety
爲愛霜筠耐歲華  Like bamboo greens I respond to calls of natural duty Continue reading