《揚州官滿辭后土題玉立亭》《On Retirement from Office at Yangzhou》
天上人間一樹花 Humanity and the universe is one flowering tree
五年於此駐高牙 For five years I led the local office in this community
不隨紅藥矜春色 There is no amusement with spring blooms and gaiety
爲愛霜筠耐歲華 Like bamboo greens I respond to calls of natural duty
四塞風沈天籟寂 With peace in the frontier and stability in the country
半庭月冷市塵賒 People thrive even when they are not above poverty
臨行更致平安祝 Before I depart I wish health and contentment for citizens
一炷清香十萬家 To ten thousand families I offer my blessing with lighted incense