《夢歸》《鷓鴣天·薄命妾辭》《人月圓·卜居外家東園》元好問 (1190-1257) __ 江紹倫英譯

《夢歸》《Dreaming for Home》Yuan Haowen (1190-1257)

憔悴南冠一楚囚  In languish I am now in prison
歸心江漢日東流  To return home my wish flows like a river incessant
青山歷歷鄉關夢  Hills remain green I see my homeland in my dream
黃葉蕭蕭風雨秋  Leaves turn yellow under severe rains and winds
貧裡有詩工作祟  In lanes with poor families there are plenty of poems
亂來無淚可供愁  When confused grief could not be washed away with tears
殘年兄弟相逢在  In these destitute years we brothers rejoice to meet again
隨分齏鹽萬事休  Happily we share salted veggies nothing we care to gain 

《鷓鴣天·薄命妾辭》《Tune: Partridge Sky》

顏色如花畫不成  Her beauty like flower needing no make-up
命如葉薄可憐生  Her fate thin as a leaf attracting no vying consort
浮萍自合無根蒂  A floating water lily knows a lack of roots
楊柳誰教管送迎  A waving willow dose welcoming and sending chores
雲聚散  Clouds come and go
月虧盈  The moon crests and becomes full
海枯石爛古今情  She vows to love till seas dry and rocks decay
鴛鴦只影江南岸  Only to watch a single lovebird on river banks rove
腸斷枯荷夜雨聲  Through the night she listens to rains beating wilt lily leaves

《人月圓·卜居外家東園》《Moving in to Live in My Wife’s Maiden Home》

重崗已隔紅塵斷  Layers of hills cut off mundane world affairs
村落更年豐  The villagers enjoy bumper harvests for years
移居要就  Moving in I settle down in serene
窗中遠岫  Watching distant peaks through my window screen
舍後長松  Behind my cottage a pine grove welcomes me in
十年種木  Trees planted mature in ten years
一年種谷  Rice cultivated harvested twice a year
都付兒童  They are for prosperity of our heirs
老夫惟有  For me this old man
醒來明月  I delight to see the bright moon whenever I am sober
醉後清風  And enjoy the cool breeze when tipsy and merry

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