《Fr Naylor》__ Yu Fong-Ying (61)

As Hin Shing said, Fr Naylor never taught us; he came to Hong Kong in 1960.
He came to our Golden Jubilee Reunion celebration dinner in Hong Kong in 2011. One photo Hin Shing
attached to his email shows me talking to him, just the two of us. I remember the conversation.

Before the Reunion, I prepared to publish the 18 letters which Mr Patrick O’Flanagan wrote to me between 1963
to 1966, as a tribute to his beneficence and influence on me. (The article appears in the Features section of WYKAAO).
But I had some gaps in my knowledge, i.e. the year of his passing.
Hin Shing put me onto Fr Zee who referred me to Fr Naylor. I emailed him on July 14, 1999 and he replied
on July 20, 1999. I shall quote the part of his email related to him and Patrick: Continue reading

Father Deignan Update 23 Sept 2018 (F. Yuen ’70)

Dear Good Friends,

Sharing with you an extract of Father conducting mass today. His sermon is:

Christ likes children
In many parts of the Bible children is mentioned.
Hope to teach our children to be loving, honest, humble people when they grow up …

I (and perhaps other friends in the room too) could feel the strong bondage with God as well as Father. After the mass, though tired, Father felt happy and kept on giving us his iconic, sweet polite little smile. Please pray for Father ❤❤🙏🙏

《日本没有教师节(转)》__ 江紹倫 (53)





《Father Naylor》__ Chan Sui Man (71); Arthur Cheung (71)

《Father Naylor》

The power of prayer,
The blessing of God,
The character of Father Naylor,
Who gives up not,
The love from followers,
His condition lingers in their thoughts.

【Just received an update on Father Naylor:
Visited Father Naylor around noon today. He was awake and
conscious, and he appeared not as weak as a week ago.】

In response to Fr. Naylor’s improved condition, Arthur Cheung Ping Kam wrote: Continue reading