《閱報戲作二絕》《甲申除夕病榻作(1945)》《丁亥元夕(1947)》《庚寅元夕(1950)》陳寅恪(1890-1969) __江紹倫英譯



弦箭文章苦未休  權門奔走喘吳牛
自由共道文人筆  最是文人不自由

《A Poem after Reading Newspapers》Chen Yin Ke(1890-1969)

‘Tis a pity to see flattering essays in the literary scene
People rush to doors of power for comforting inn
Freedom implies rules for writings of quality
Alas how many writers know not what is to be free

《甲申除夕病榻作時目疾頗劇離香港又三年矣 (一九四五年二月)》 Continue reading

《五十六歲生日三絕》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯


《My Fifty-sixth Birthday》Chen Yin Ke

去年病目實已死  My eyes blinded last year a dead man was I
雖號為人與鬼同  Living as man I was in ghostly sight
可笑家人作生日  I laughed when my family held a birthday party for me
宛如設祭奠亡翁  As if an oblate act to enliven an old dead man to be Continue reading

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪chen yinke

渺渺鐘聲出遠方  依依林影萬鴉藏
一生負氣成今日  四海無人對夕陽
破碎山河迎勝利  殘餘歲月送悽涼
松門松菊何年夢  且認他鄉作故鄉


《Remembering My Old Houses _1945》 Chen Yin Ke

The toll of bells heard faintly from a distance Continue reading