黃遵憲 (1848-1905)
《羊石雜詠十絕 (1921)》 《Ten Poems at Goat City》
晚風涼抹粉牆東 Evening breezes cool the white walls east
碎步微吟韻小蟲 I amble singing to rhyme with insect songs at ease
為數歸鴻抬星眼 To count how many geese are returning I eye the sky
一枝春在小樓紅 A single flowering branch shows at my bower nigh
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《調笑令‧會場素描》《Tune: For a Laugh–Scene of a Meeting》
頭重 Heads heavy
頭重 Heads heavy
四個小時聽眾 A four-hour long listening audience
腰斜眼倦腸饑 Bodies bent eyes tired and guts empty
左手頻看計時 Peeping at the watch frequently
時計 Watch peeping
時計 Watch peeping
有點猿心馬意 Monkey thoughts and steed images wandering Continue reading
《Singing to the Moon from My Boat in the Pacific Ocean on the Fifteenth Night of the Eighth Moon》Huang Zun Xian
大千世界共此月 A thousand worlds in the cosmos own this moon
世人不共中秋節 Not everyone celebrates the Mid-autumn Festival
泰西紀歷二千年 The Western world marks its time in two millennial
祇作尋常數圓缺 And notes the moon’s crest and fullness in cycles
《到香港》《Visiting Hong Kong》Huang Zun Xiang
水是堯時日夏時Water and sun are from dynasties ancient
衣冠又是漢官儀Clothing styles are of Han tradition
登樓四望真吾土Watching from the tower all lands are our own
不見黃龍上大旗I see no yellow dragon on the flags flown Continue reading
《春愁》 《Spring Sorrow》Qiu Feng Jia
春愁難遣強看山 Spring sorrow lingers I look up the mountain
往事驚心淚欲潸 Past events frightful tears ready to fountain
四百萬人同一哭 Four million countrymen cry in unison
*去年今日割台灣 A year ago this day Taiwan was in cessation *(17 April 1895) Continue reading
《The Tomb of Qiujin》 Hu Hanmin
Was assassin of the Qing Emperor an accomplishment
Our present society is still full of uncertain elements
How I like to honour you at the Wind and Rain Pavilion
I moan for you even when it is not autumn
《哭執信》《Weeping for a Martyred Friend》 Continue reading
《薄暮》《Early Dusk》Liao Yan
薄暮西郊外 Outside the west suburb dusk sets in gradually
扶筇過野塘 I walk with my cane to visit a wild pond leisurely
閑看歸客急 A traveler hurries home as I keep watch
匹馬向斜陽 Behind the setting sun his horse gallops stopping not Continue reading
《Remembering Old Chums Back Home》
群似彩雲原易散 Chums like colorful clouds disperse easily
淡如白水卻難忘 The taste of plain water is remembered with zest
不堪閱盡風霜後 I learned with grief many of you suffered inhuman threats
猶自逢春各一方 Now rectified I regret we are still wide spread Continue reading
《Tune: Charm of a Maiden Dancer . Farewell at a Post House》Wen Tien Xiang
水天空闊 The sky boundless over a vast ocean
恨東風 不借世間英物 But the hero’s borrowed wind is not present
蜀鳥吳花殘照裏 Under the setting sun cuckoos sing amid southern flowers
忍見荒城頹壁 Sadly I see so many ruined towns and towers
銅雀春清 The Bronze Statue bears witness in spring
金人秋淚 By autumn Tatar tears will be seen
此恨憑誰雪 Who can revenge this invading woe
堂堂劍氣 The shining revenge sword is in my fold
鬥牛空認奇傑 The Dipper will witness the victory of this hero Continue reading