《水調歌頭_題劍閣》宋.崔與之(1158-1239) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Prelude to Water Melody_For the Sword Gate Tower》Cui Yu Zhi (1158-1239)

萬里雲間戍 Conflicts disturb ten thousand li of plateau terrain
立馬劍門關 At the Sword Gate Pass I sit on my steed to survey the ruins
亂山極目無際 Hills in varying sizes seen in a space with no limit
直北是長安 To the north our Capital stands in jeopardy Continue reading

《雙松》《暮春》《回雁》余靖 (1000-1064)__ 江紹倫英譯

《雙松》《Double Pines》 Yu Jing (1000-1064)

自古詠連理  Poets since old like to sing for diverse vegetation growths
多爲豔陽吟  And the brilliance of colorful sky shines they loaf
誰知抱高節  Those who hold fast to their integrity
生處亦同心  They group together into a like-mind community Continue reading

《落葉詩_二首》 黃釗(1788-1853) 江紹倫英譯

《Falling Leaves_Two Poems》 Huang Zhao (1788-1853)

清晨鹿跡冷蒼苔  At clear morning deer footprints on moss path cool
殘籜份份卷作堆  Dry leaves many twirl together to pile up full
萬點烏鴉盤陣起  Crows take to the air in ten thousand dots
四山風雨逼秋來  Rains and winds in four hills delay autumn not Continue reading

《登大容山》《簑衣渡夜泊》文祚閑 (1812-1861) 江紹倫英譯

《登大容山》《Climbing Mt. Darong》Wen Zho Xian (1812-1261)

一峯相送一峯迎  Leaving one peak another welcomes us in
千里崎岖路不平  A thousand li of bumpy roads therein
峭壁泉声晴亦雨  A series of springs gush beneath sharp cliffs creating drizzles
悬崖云影暗还明  Cloud shadows between mountain crags now dark now seen Continue reading

《落花十二首 (1953)》李彥和(1897-1989) 江紹倫英譯

《落花十二首之六》《12 Fallen Flowers (6)

淚眼東風望欲迷  I look to the east wind in teary eyes seeing mists
烏絲醉墨記留題  Under bulb light I try to ink past events so tipsy
高情漫託梨同夢  In friendly trust we share dreams dramatic
綺思都隨絮著泥  Affective caring dwindle like fallen petals prolific Continue reading

《归国杂吟之二》《登南岳》《贈豐順縣委》郭沫若(1892-1978) 江紹倫英譯

《Random Thoughts on Way Back to China (1937)》Guo Mo Rou  (1892-1978)

又当投笔请缨时  Time again for me to put off my writing to join the army
别妇抛雏断藕丝  Leaving my wife and children behind is not easy
去国十年余泪血  Away from my country for three years tears and blood linger
登舟三宿见族旗  Three days on board home I once again see red banners Continue reading

《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《留訣內子》_廖仲愷(1877-1925) 江紹倫英譯

《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《Thoughts in Prison (1922)》Liao Zhong Kai (1877-1925)

珠江日夕起風雷Winds and thunder may blunder over the Pearl any day
已倒狂瀾孰挽回The tide to counter the revolution rise and prevail
徵羽不調弦亦怨The musical notes in disharmony the strings in acrimony
死生能一我無哀To live or die is no longer my worry Continue reading

《葉劍英(1897-1986) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

Ye Jiang Ying(1897-1986) selected poems》江紹倫英譯

油岩(1915)》《Written on Oil Cliff(1915)
放眼高歌气吐虹  My will a rainbow I sing my aspirations high
也曾拔剑角群雄  Before this I had followed revolutionary men with pride
我来无限兴亡感  Here I study to understand the rise and fall in history
慰祝苍生乐大同  I will work with my people towards universal equality

Note: This poem was written when the poet first entered university in his hometown. He was 18 years old.
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