《歸園田居 其一》陶潛(365-427)_- 江紹倫英譯

Tao Qian
Back to Nature (I) 》 Tao Qian(365-427)

少無適俗韻  In youth I had little interest in worldly affairs
性本愛丘山  By nature hills and rills I care
誤落塵網中  Foolishly I later fell in mundane snares
一去三十年  And got entangled for thirteen long years
羈鳥戀舊林  A bird in cage yearns to return to the woods
池魚思故淵  A fish in tank remembers its river roots
開荒南野際  In tilting the southern land into cultivating fields
守拙歸園田  Back to nature I happily feel
方宅十餘畝  A score of acres make up my estate fine
草屋八九間  There I build cots of thatched roofs eight or nine
榆柳蔭後簷  Tall elms and willows give shade to my eaves
桃李羅堂前  In the front peach and plum trees supply fruits easy
曖曖遠人村  A neighboring village can be seen in the far distance
依依墟里煙  Further in the market evening smokes waft on occasions
狗吠深巷中  Dogs are heard in the deep alleys now and then
雞鳴桑樹巔  Amid mulberry trees cocks crow to please their hens
戶庭無塵雜  Not a dust should my courtyard be intruded
虛室有餘閑  Plenty of leisure fills my unoccupied rooms
久在樊籠裡  After long years of abject servitude
復得返自然  Back to Nature I call this home

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