《登大容山》《Climbing Mt. Darong》Wen Zho Xian (1812-1261)
一峯相送一峯迎 Leaving one peak another welcomes us in
千里崎岖路不平 A thousand li of bumpy roads therein
峭壁泉声晴亦雨 A series of springs gush beneath sharp cliffs creating drizzles
悬崖云影暗还明 Cloud shadows between mountain crags now dark now seen
岚拖翠黛重重绿 Carried by winds hills present folds and folds of greens
涧泻深溪隐隠淸 A stream of waters plunge deep into a pool conceiving diverse feelings
回首夕阳迷旧径 I turn to find my lost path in the sunset
耳边犹听鹧鸪鸣 My ears ring with songs of partridge singing
《簑衣渡夜泊》 《Night Crossing in a Bamboo Coat》
孤村门外夕阳偏 Outside the gate of this remote village the sun sets
茅舍腾腾起晚烟 Smokes from cooking wave above rolls of thatched huts
樵子负薪归谷口 A wood cutter coming home with his logs reaches the valley
渔翁埀钓隐溪边 Beside a hidden stream a fisherman awaits his catch patiently
山痕叠翠禽栖树 Folds of verdant hills offer birds homes for the night
水色澄清客唤船 Beside a pristine river a homeward traveler calls for a ferry ride
闲倚短篷看夜色 I recline leisurely on my skiff to enjoy the night scene
一行归雁过前川 A flock of returning geese fly over the river I have been
【客家女詩人文祚閑为文天祥(1236-1283)二十二代嗣孙。Ms Wen Zho Xian, a Hakka poet, was the 22nd generation daughter of Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283) 】