《羊石雜詠十絕》葉劍英(1987-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《羊石雜詠十絕 (1921)》 《Ten Poems at Goat City》


晚風涼抹粉牆東  Evening breezes cool the white walls east
碎步微吟韻小蟲  I amble singing to rhyme with insect songs at ease
為數歸鴻抬星眼  To count how many geese are returning I eye the sky
一枝春在小樓紅  A single flowering branch shows at my bower nigh

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《調笑令‧會場素描》《鬆園》《題畫竹》《回梅縣探老家》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《調笑令‧會場素描》《Tune: For a Laugh–Scene of a Meeting》 

頭重  Heads heavy
頭重  Heads heavy

四個小時聽眾  A four-hour long listening audience
腰斜眼倦腸饑  Bodies bent eyes tired and guts empty
左手頻看計時  Peeping at the watch frequently

時計  Watch peeping
時計  Watch peeping
有點猿心馬意  Monkey thoughts and steed images wandering Continue reading

《葉劍英(1897-1986) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

Ye Jiang Ying(1897-1986) selected poems》江紹倫英譯

油岩(1915)》《Written on Oil Cliff(1915)
放眼高歌气吐虹  My will a rainbow I sing my aspirations high
也曾拔剑角群雄  Before this I had followed revolutionary men with pride
我来无限兴亡感  Here I study to understand the rise and fall in history
慰祝苍生乐大同  I will work with my people towards universal equality

Note: This poem was written when the poet first entered university in his hometown. He was 18 years old.
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《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

ye jian ying《蝶戀花·榆林港(一九五九)》葉劍英

日逐寒流尋雁去  風雪關山  不礙雲中路
飛到榆林天已暑   夏秋只隔三朝暮

到鹿回頭濱海處  紅豆離離  佔斷天涯路
淺水藍魚梭樣去   教人疑是龍宮女

《Tune: Butterfly loves flowers_On Yu Lin Port (1959)》Ye Jian Ying Continue reading

《八十書懷》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《八十書懷》葉劍英Ye Jian Ying

八十毋勞論廢興  長征接力有來人
導師創業垂千古  儕輩跟隨愧望塵
億萬愚公齊破立  五洲權霸共沉淪
老夫喜作黃昏頌  滿目青山夕照明

《Thoughts at Eighty_1977》Ye Jian Ying

At eighty I need not be concerned with successes and failures
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《登祝融峰_1938》葉劍英(1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

葉劍英《登祝融峰》《On Top of Zhurong Peak》Ye Jian Ying

四顧渺無際 The view is unlimited on all sides
天風吹我衣  My coat flap is blown open by winds high
聽濤起雄心  The roaring sounds in the pines invoke my fighting will
誓盪扶桑兒  I vow to submit the invading dwarfs to kneel