《雙松》《暮春》《回雁》余靖 (1000-1064)__ 江紹倫英譯

《雙松》《Double Pines》 Yu Jing (1000-1064)

自古詠連理  Poets since old like to sing for diverse vegetation growths
多爲豔陽吟  And the brilliance of colorful sky shines they loaf
誰知抱高節  Those who hold fast to their integrity
生處亦同心  They group together into a like-mind community
風至應交響  Singing in the wind their sounds orchestrate
禽棲得並陰  Trees with roosting birds give plenty of shade
歲寒當共守  They crowd together to wait for the new year to dawn
霜雪莫相侵  The warmth dispels frosty colds on any individual don

《暮春》《Late Spring》

草帶全鋪翠  The pasture belt is green through to the end
花房半墜紅  The hothouse is half-filled with red petals
農家榆莢雨  A farmer dons on a bamboo coat against the rain
江國鯉魚風  Schools of carp occupy the river as kings
堤柳綿爭撲  Willows tendrils dance to present a wavy dyke
山櫻火共烘  Wild berries cover the hills red as if on fire
長安少年客  Would youngsters in the Capital know
不信有衰翁  There are fishermen in bamboo coats

《回雁》《Returning Geese》

暗隨春力起冥冥  They follow the warmth of spring to flock to the sky
微物寧知造化情  All humble living things know the universe’s order and rights
律變慚逢冰雪解  Ice and snow melt in rhyme with the weather change
風和應助羽毛輕  Vernal breezes support the light feathers on wings
塞雲空闊歸猶遠  In the wide frontier sky a cloud signals the far distance home
魚網稀疏意尚驚  Ground nets on route are unfriendly devices to be known
不學鷹鸇因肉飽  Unlike hawks that survey the land to feed on meaty preys
背人颺去恣飛鳴  Geese honk their way home where people feel appease

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