《归国杂吟之二》《登南岳》《贈豐順縣委》郭沫若(1892-1978) 江紹倫英譯

《Random Thoughts on Way Back to China (1937)》Guo Mo Rou  (1892-1978)

又当投笔请缨时  Time again for me to put off my writing to join the army
别妇抛雏断藕丝  Leaving my wife and children behind is not easy
去国十年余泪血  Away from my country for three years tears and blood linger
登舟三宿见族旗  Three days on board home I once again see red banners
欣将残骨埋诸夏  Grad I am to bury my bones anywhere in my motherland
哭吐精诚斌此诗  With this poem I weep to declare my patriotic intent
四万万人齐蹈厉  Four hundred million people sing in unison
同心同德一戎衣  With unbending will to fight the Jap dwarfs we are one garrison

《登南岳(1938)》《Ascending Mt. Heng (1938)》

中原龙战血玄黄  Dragons battle in the central plain blood flows throughout motherland
必胜必成恃自强  Each warlord attempts to claim his territory on hand
替把豪情寄山水  For the moment I rest my passions on the beauties of our hills and rills
权将余力写肝肠  My inner feelings pour on poems and essays like torrents under keel
云横万里长缨展  Clouds cross ten thousand li of sky above spears held high
日照千峰铁骑玻  The sun shines on a thousand peaks where iron steeds ride
犹有邺侯遗迹在  Here I find the ruins home of a Prime Minister of Tang Dynasty
寇平重上读书堂  Whence peace comes I shall visit his Emperor’s hall of study

《贈豐順縣委(1965)》《To Officials of Fung Shun County(1965)》

弾指光阴卅八年  Thirty-eight years have passed in a flick of fingers
潮安每在梦中旋  In all my dreams Chao On has always appeared
楼台倒映涵虛碧  Towers cast shadows on waters containing the blue sky
旗帜高扬似火燃  Banners proudly fly waving red like burning tide
一夕汤坑书附羽  On receiving an order of great emergence one evening
千秋英烈血噴烟  The revolution up-rise spearheaded in a spirit burning
今来重到金山望  Today I revisit here to watch from the Golden Hill
日月更新別有天  The changed sun and moon shine on everything new

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