《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《留訣內子》_廖仲愷(1877-1925) 江紹倫英譯

《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《Thoughts in Prison (1922)》Liao Zhong Kai (1877-1925)

珠江日夕起風雷Winds and thunder may blunder over the Pearl any day
已倒狂瀾孰挽回The tide to counter the revolution rise and prevail
徵羽不調弦亦怨The musical notes in disharmony the strings in acrimony
死生能一我無哀To live or die is no longer my worry
鼠肝蟲臂惟天命Those who know not their identity surrender to destiny
馬勃牛溲稱異才Weeds grown in barren land claim their lives a mystery
物論未應衡大小We may not measure deeds on a dimensional scale
棟樑終為蠹蝝摧Sad to see our country’s future ruined by a termite siege

《留訣內子》《To My Wife in My Imprisonment》Liao Zhong Kai

後事憑君獨任勞When I am gone your responsibility is imminent
莫教辜負女中豪I am confident you will not be less than a heroin
我身雖去靈明在My spirit will remain alive even when body is no more
勝似屠門握殺刀It will continue to fight mightier than a butcher’s knife

(2) 生無足羨死奚悲To live is not an envy dead not dreary
宇宙循環活殺機The universe revolves creating many an opportunity
四十五年塵劫苦Forty-five years of worldly toil is a bitter affair
好從解脫悟前非This liberty in death would resolve any wrongs I might fair

廖仲愷 (百度百科)

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