《秋詞》劉禹錫(772-842)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Autumn Song》Lu Yu Xi

自古逢秋悲寂寥  People drag the melancholy of autumn since old
我言秋日勝春朝  I say autumn days outshine spring morns total
晴空一鹤排雲上  A single crane sours above clouds in a fine day
便引詩情到碧霄  It evokes inspiration of green skies for poets to praise

《溪居》柳宗元(773-819) __江紹倫英譯

《溪居》柳宗元 《My Dwelling by the Stream》Liu Zong Yuan

久爲簪組累  Bound by official girdles for many years
幸此南夷謫  I’m happy to be banished to the wild southern spheres
閑依農圃鄰  In leisure a pastoral neighbor and I make friends
偶似山林客  I am a guest with trees in the hill end to end Continue reading

《贈別二首》杜牧 (803-852)__ 江紹倫英譯

《贈別二首》杜牧 《Parting (two poems)》Du Mu


娉娉裊裊十三余  Slender and graceful she is in early teens
豆蔻梢頭二月初  Like a cardamom tip with growing hints
春風十裏揚州路  Vernal breezes warm up ten miles of scenic roads
卷上珠簾總不如  Behind roll up curtains her beauty brilliantly shows Continue reading

《夢李白》杜甫(712-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《夢李白》杜甫 《Dreaming of Li Bai》Du Fu

死別已吞聲  We weep when death renders us apart
生別常惻惻  Separation while living wrenches our hearts
江南瘴癘地  The southern country is known for malaria mire
逐客無消息  I grieve having no news from you in exile there Continue reading

《利州南渡》《送人東遊》 溫庭筠 (812-870) 江紹倫英譯

《利州南渡》  《Ferrying South from Lizhou》  Wen Tingyun

澹然空水對斜暉  The slanting rays of sunset shines on limpid water
曲島蒼茫接翠微  Jagged islets float under a blue sky near
波上馬嘶看棹去  Horses neigh seeing the ferry moving away
柳邊人歇待船歸  People wait for returning boats in willow shades Continue reading

《茗飲》元好問(1190-1257) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tea Drinks》Yuan Wen Hao(1190_1257)

宿酲未破厭觥船  Drunk through the night I dislike the rocking boat
紫筍分封入曉煎  I brew the Purple Tips at dawn to fill my bowl
槐火石泉寒食後  Charcoal fires boil the spring water after Cold Meal Fest
鬢絲禪榻落花前  My scanty hairs mix with petals on my Zen bed rest Continue reading