《贈別二首》杜牧 (803-852)__ 江紹倫英譯

《贈別二首》杜牧 《Parting (two poems)》Du Mu


娉娉裊裊十三余  Slender and graceful she is in early teens
豆蔻梢頭二月初  Like a cardamom tip with growing hints
春風十裏揚州路  Vernal breezes warm up ten miles of scenic roads
卷上珠簾總不如  Behind roll up curtains her beauty brilliantly shows Continue reading


题宣州开元寺水阁    杜牧 (803-852)

六朝文物草连空   天淡云闲今古同
鸟去鸟来山色里   人歌人哭水声中

深秋帘幕千家雨   落日楼台一笛风
惆怅无日见范蠡   参差烟树五湖东

Ruins in Splendor   Du Mu (803-852)   江紹倫譯 

Gone are the cultural splendors of the Sixth Dynasty no more
Leisure clouds roam in the pale sky the same as yore
Birds come and go through reds and greens up wooded hills
Happy songs and sad wails mix sinking deep in murmuring rills

A thousand houses veiled behind curtains in late autumn rains
As the sun set towers and terraces heard a lone flute sing
How I miss the Sage by the lakeside in bygone days
When old trees stood in haze east of the Five Lakes

杜牧 (803-852)__金谷园

杜牧 (803-852)__金谷园

繁华事散逐香尘  流水无情草自春
日暮东风怨啼鸟  落花犹似坠楼人

[金谷园 晋石崇的豪华宅第,故址在今河南洛阳。石崇有爱姬,当石遭人陷害被捕时,跳楼自殒。]

Du Mu (803-852)
The Golden Garden    江紹倫譯

Past glories gone perished like fragrant dust shower
Time ceaselessly drifts grasses green every spring
Birds lament their songs echo vernal breezes in the evening
Here tumbled Green Pearl the famed mistress a fallen flower

杜牧 (803-852)__江南春

杜牧 (803-852)__江南春

千里莺啼绿映红  水村山郭酒旗风
南朝四百八十寺  多少楼台烟雨中 

Du Mu (803-852)
Spring South of the River     江紹倫譯 

Oriels sing in a thousand li amid blooms red and green
Wine shops by hills and rills hoist banners to lure people in
Four hundred eighty splendid temples of yore still remain
Together with pagodas through years of mists and rains

杜牧 (803-852)__山行

杜牧 (803-852)__山行

远上寒山石径斜  白云生处有人家
停车坐爱枫林晚  霜叶红于二月花 

Du Mu (803-852)
A walk on the hill    江紹倫譯

Far up the rocky path the mountain air is chilly
Where the clouds dwell cots and bowers perch freely
I sat on my cap to enjoy maple trees bathing in the sun
Their frosted leaves crimson are brighter than blooms in early spring

杜牧 (803-852)__清明

杜牧 (803-852)__清明

清明时节雨纷纷  路上行人欲断魂
借问酒家何处有  牧童遥指杏花村 

Du Mu (803-852)
Qing Ming Festival         江紹倫譯

Qing Ming day for remembering ancestors is marked by drizzles
Visitors struggle on roads to graveyards their hearts fissure
Where could I find a tavern to drown out this sad hour
A cowherd points to a village beyond the apricot flowers

杜牧 (803-852)__遣怀

杜牧 (803-852)  遣怀

落魄江湖载酒行  楚腰纤细掌中轻
十年一觉扬州梦  赢得青楼薄幸名

Du Mu (803-852)
Confession     江紹倫譯

Roving in rivers and lakes I indulge in pleasure and wine
Slender southern girls dance their hips in my hand fine
Awoke from a ten-year dream of roving life
I earned the name of a fickle lover among green mansions

清明 (唐) 杜牧*

Qing Ming**                    Du Mu (803-852)


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Endless rain at Qing Ming** Festival drizzling 

A traveler’s haste on the road turns nerve-racking

Whereabouts a tavern may be found

To Apricot Blossom Village afar off a cowherd points


* For a discussion of the authorship of this poem, see  http://tv.sohu.com/20100402/n271287421.shtml

** Literally meaning “Clear Brightness”, a festival on the 15th day after spring solstice for traditional visit of ancestral graves.

《泊秦淮》 (唐)杜牧

煙籠寒水月籠沙      夜泊秦淮近酒家
商女不知亡國恨      隔江猶唱後庭花

Mooring on River Qinhuai                                 江紹倫譯

Mist veils the frigid water while moonlight veils the bar
I moor on the Qinhuai River at dusk to sample the bars
Songstresses bewail not their motherland in defeat
They sing to glorify the new ruler their voice peak

寄揚州韓綽判官 (唐)杜牧

青山隱隱水迢迢    秋盡江南草未凋
二十四橋明月夜    玉人何處教吹簫

To Magistrate Han of Yang Zhou                 江紹倫譯

Behind the green hills water flows far
With autumn leaving the south grass is yet to wither
Whence the twenty four bridges in town aflame by moonshine
Where is your favourite lass whose flute music rendition so fine