《利州南渡》 《Ferrying South from Lizhou》 Wen Tingyun
澹然空水對斜暉 The slanting rays of sunset shines on limpid water
曲島蒼茫接翠微 Jagged islets float under a blue sky near
波上馬嘶看棹去 Horses neigh seeing the ferry moving away
柳邊人歇待船歸 People wait for returning boats in willow shades
數叢沙草群鷗散 From the sand grass tufts gulls take flight
萬頃江田一鷺飛 O’er ten thousand li of fields an eagle glides
誰解乘舟尋范蠡 Who would ride a skiff to find Fan Li so wise
五湖煙水獨忘機 He sailed in the misty five lakes leaving worldly strives behind
《送人東遊》《Seeing a Friend Off to the East》 Wen Tingyun
荒戍落黃葉 At this deserted fort fallen yellow leaves abound
浩然離故關 Leaving here for adventure your decision renown
高風漢陽渡 From the Hengyang Station you sail fast with wind
初日郢門山 You will reach Mt Yingmen at dawn friends no longer seen
江上幾人在 How many friends will again be at riverside here
天涯孤棹還 To welcome you back from your sojourn solitaire
何當重相見 Whence we have a chance to meet again
樽酒慰離顏 A jar of seasoned brew will rejuvenate our wrinkled countenance