《夢李白》杜甫(712-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《夢李白》杜甫 《Dreaming of Li Bai》Du Fu

死別已吞聲  We weep when death renders us apart
生別常惻惻  Separation while living wrenches our hearts
江南瘴癘地  The southern country is known for malaria mire
逐客無消息  I grieve having no news from you in exile there Continue reading

《落日》《南征》《閣夜》《八月十五夜月》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《落日》      《Sunset》

落日在簾鉤  The setting sun hangs on my screen hook
溪邊春事幽  Early spring affairs flow in murmuring brook
芳菲緣岸圃  Riverbanks green emanating fragrance sweet
樵爨倚灘舟  Woodcutters rest on mooring boats to eat
啅雀爭枝墜  Birds bicker for falling sprigs
飛蟲滿院遊  Swarming all over the courtyard are ephemerides
濁醪誰造汝  It matters not how liqueurs are distilled
一酌散千憂  One sip will dispel hundreds of cares to nil  Continue reading

《贈衛八處士》杜甫(712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《To Hermit Wei》Untitled2

人生不相見  How often in life we fail to meet
動如參與商  Moving like Orion and Scorpion on separate feet
今夕復何夕  This our night by lucky feats
共此燈燭光  Together by candlelight we sit
少壯能幾時  How many youthful days can we count
鬢發各已蒼  Before grey hairs on our heads mount Continue reading

《無家別》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《No Kin to Say Adieu》

寂寞天寶後  Ever since the Tianbao Rebellion in the last reign
園廬但蒿藜  Homes and gardens deserted pigweeds thrive in rain
我裏百餘家  For the hundred families in my hometown
世亂各東西  All had fled the confusion east or west bound
存者無消息  Among those living no news is available
死者為塵泥  The dead had become dust and mud not noble
賤子因陣敗  Defeated at the front I have returned Continue reading

 《客亭》《舟前小鵝》《又呈吳郎》《江邊星月二首》杜甫(712-770)  江紹倫英譯

《客亭》《Passing Lodge》

秋窗猶曙色  Tis an autumn dawn outside the window
落木更天風  Through the naked trees whipping winds blow
日出寒山外  From beyond the cold hills the sun rises
江流宿霧中  Amid lingering fogs the river meanders nigh
聖朝無棄物  Our Imperial Court abandons no one resourceful
老病已成翁  Sickness and aging have made me unable
多少殘生事  What else could be important in a life dwindling
飄零似轉蓬  Everything drifts willing or unwilling Continue reading

《秋興八首__其一, 其三》杜甫 (712–770) 江紹倫英譯

玉露凋傷楓樹林   巫山巫峽氣蕭森
江間波浪兼天湧   塞上風雲接地陰
叢菊兩開他日淚   孤舟一系故園心
寒衣處處催刀尺   白帝城高急暮砧

《Eight Autumn-Songs #1》Du Fu
The red maple grove stands subdue when white dews arrive Continue reading

《獨立》杜甫(710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《獨立》杜甫 (710-770)

空外一鷙鳥   河間雙白鷗   飄颻搏擊便   容易往來遊
草露亦多濕   蛛絲仍未收   天機近人事   獨立萬端憂

《Standing Alone》Du Fu

Up yonder sky an eagle hovers high
Down river two gulls float feathers white
The eagle may swoop down for prey as it pleases
To and fro the pairing gulls swim at ease

Moistened by dew the grass is tangling wet
Looking for prey the spider widens its net
Nature cares for the well beings of everyone
Alone I wish all things are equal as one

《曲江二首》杜甫(710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯


一片花飛減卻春  風飄萬點正愁人
且看欲盡花經眼  莫厭傷多酒入唇
江上小堂巢翡翠  花邊高冢臥麒麟
細推物理須行樂  何用浮名絆此身

朝回日日典春衣  每日江頭盡醉歸
酒債尋常行處有  人生七十古來稀
穿花蛺蝶深深見  點水蜻蜓款款飛
傳語風光共流轉  暫時相賞莫相違

《The Winding River — Two Poems》Du Fu

A single falling petal has spring spent
Myriad colorful dots in the wind a worrisome man stands
Enjoy the sumptuous beauty as petals fly pass the eye
Spare no grief as you wet your lips with mellow wines Continue reading