《送別 》 王維 (701~761)

下馬飲君酒    問君何所之
君言不得意    歸臥南山陲
但去莫複問    白雲無盡時

《Parting》      Wang Wei            江紹倫譯

Dismounted I drink with you
Enquiring what lies in view
You say things are not according to will
You are retiring in the South Hill
I’ll ask no further you just be gone
Clouds will drift freely on Continue reading

《桃源行》 王維 (701-761)

Visit the Legendary Peach Blossom Valley (in parts) tr. by SL Kong

漁舟逐水愛山春  兩岸桃花夾古津
The fishing boat follows the river into the mountains in spring
On both banks peach blossoms shine in timeless sprints

坐看紅樹不知遠  行盡青溪忽值人
Watching the flaming trees from the boat he knows not the distance
Reaching the end of the stream he has met no human instance

山口潛行始隈隩  山開曠望旋平陸
A narrow cavern leads the stream through a lonely way
Where the cliffs part a plain stretches far on a shinny day

遙看一處攢雲樹  近入千家散花竹
In the distant grove giant trees appear like hanging clouds
Nearby a thousand homes stand amid bamboo flowers

(樵客初傳漢姓名  居人未改秦衣服   居人共住武陵源  還從物外起田園) Continue reading

《歸嵩山作》 王維 (701-761)

歸嵩山作            王維

清川帶長薄  車馬去閑閑
流水如有意  暮禽相與還
荒城臨古渡  落日滿秋山
迢遞嵩高下  歸來且閉關

Back Home to Mt. Song        Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯 

The stream quietly skirts a long stretch of green
Carriages on way to cots of leisurely dins
Limpid waters murmur friendly hints
Homeward birds glide with me in the evening

As the deserted town looks on the vacant pier
The autumn hills washed in sunset colours appear
Beneath the towering Mt.Song the land extent
Home I close my door and wash my hands

《渭川田家》 王維 (701-761)

斜光照墟落  窮巷牛羊歸
野老念牧童  倚杖候荊扉
雉雊麥苗秀  蠶眠桑葉稀
田夫荷鋤至  相見語依依
即此羨閒逸  悵然吟《式微》

Home at River Wei  Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯

A village bathes in the sun’s slanting ray
Among the lanes homeward cattle find their way
Grandfather looking for the herd boy waits
He leans on a bamboo cane by the gate
Pheasants love to flock in the wheat fields
Where silkworms rest mulberry leaves become few
Hoes on shoulders farm hands proudly show
They meet and chat forgetting to go
For this rustic life I long
Humming my favorite Homily Song

《漢江臨眺》 王維 (701-761)

wang wei楚塞三湘接  荊門九派通
江流天地外   山色有無中
郡邑浮前浦  波瀾動遠空
襄陽好風日   留醉與山翁 

A View from the Han River      Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯 

Ford Chu sits where the three rivers meet
Around Mt Jingmen nine tributaries compete
The Grand River surges transcending heaven and earth
Colours on the hills appear and fade as time goes forth
Towns and burghs emerge on banks yonder
Reaching far into distant space waves and tides thunder
Enchanting is the scenery of Xiangyang in a day so fine
A good time to get drunk with my old chum staying behind

青谿 王維 (701-761)

言入黄花川  每逐青溪水
随山将万转  趣途无百里
声喧乱石中  色静深松里
漾漾泛菱荇  澄澄映葭苇
我心素已闲  清川澹如此
请留盘石上 垂钓将已矣 

Blue Stream         Wang Wei ( 701-761) 江紹倫譯

Whenever I think of my Yellow Flower rill
I wade along its blue shallows at will
It meanders ten thousand turns along the mountain lea
Its course is but a thousand li
Through pebbles large and small it murmurs and sings
Deep through the pines its colour serene
Quietly the ripples churn following the cat-tail maze
Its pristine water mirrors reeds top to base
My mind simple and at peace
Just like the stream at ease
Here I’ll stay sitting on the boulder in the nook
And spend my life with rod and hook

酬張少府 王維 (701-761)

晚年惟好靜  萬事不關心
自顧無長策  空知返舊林
松風吹解帶  山月照彈琴
君問窮通理  漁歌入浦深

A Response to Prefect Zhang     Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯 

In my old age I treasure quietude
World affairs I care nil
On self-reflection I had not a life plan in view
Enjoy to review past events fable and real
Breezes from among the pines set my sash free
I play my zither with moon and hills in peace
You ask for wisdom to attain success failure-free
Hear how fishermen up-stream sing at ease