《浣溪沙•野眺》 米芾(1051-1109)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook•Watching the Wild》 Mi Fei (1051-1109)
日射平溪玉宇中  The sun shines on a namelass brook against a wide sky
雲横遠渚岫重重  Clouds line up mountain ranges with no divide
野花猶向澗邊红  Wild flowers shine the stream banks in red light
静看沙頭鱼入網  I watch leisurely how trapping nets invite fish in
閑支藜杖醉吟風  Leaning on my cane tipsily I sing to the wind
小春天氣惱人濃  Only this unpredictable weather has my mind unsettling

《好事近•夢中作》 秦觀(1049-1100)  __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Good News Near•Written in Dream》__Qin Guan (1049-1100)
春路雨添花 On a spring path flowers thrive with rain
花動一山春色 Hills are in beautiful scenes of spring
行到小溪深處 At the far end of a small brook
有黃鸝千百 Hundreds of oriels sing to provoke
飛雲當麵化龍蛇 Fleeting clouds change to become dragons and snakes
夭驕轉空碧 Extending their reaches to cover a sky blue and big
醉臥古藤陰下 Being drunk I lie in the shade of aging vines
了不知南北 Knowing not if it is north or south I reside

《更漏子•本意》 王夫之(1619-1692) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Time Dipper Song • Real Intention》 __Wang Fu Zi (1619-1692)
斜月横  The moon hangs across the sky
疏星炯  Scattered bright stars shine
不道秋宵真永  Who says autumn nights are not infinite
聲缓缓  Dripper drops mark time in limits
滴泠泠  They also appraise space systemic
雙眸未易扃  My eyes do not easily close

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《西河 • 金陵懷古》 周邦彥(1056-1121)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: West Rill • Remembering the Ancient Capital》 Zhou Bang Yan (1056-1121)
佳麗地  The land of exceptional beauties
南朝盛事誰記  Who records the prosperity of the Six Dynaties
山圍故國繞清江  Rills meander round hills in the old country
髻鬢對起  A pair of green hills guards the river flow
怒濤寂寞打孤城  Surging billows pound the city walls powerful
風檣遙度天際  Toward the horizon tall sails steadily go

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《賀新郎 • 寄李伯紀丞相》 張元幹(1091-1161) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: For the Bridegroom • To Prime Minister Lee》 Zhang Yuen Gan (1091-1161)

曳杖危樓去  I ascent the tower helped by my cane
斗垂天  The Big Dipper hangs
滄波萬頃  In the river billows surge high and wide
月流煙渚  On the foggy landing the moon shines
掃盡浮雲風不定  Clouds driven away winds remain
未放扁舟夜渡  No boat will carry me over the river tonight
宿雁落  Wild geese roost
寒蘆深處  Deep in reeds
悵望關河空弔影  Here I look for my lone shadow
正人間鼻息鳴鼉鼓  Where people dwell snoring rise like drumming
誰伴我  Who would keep step with me
醉中舞  To dance in drunken spree Continue reading

《念奴嬌》  宋江(?-1141) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Remembering Palace Maid》 Song Jiang (?- 1141)
天南地北  From south of heaven to earth north
問乾坤何處  Where I ask
可容狂客  Could a caring man reside
借得山東煙水寨  I borrow a waterside ford east of the big mount
來買鳳城春色  To imitate the grandeur of the old Capital
翠袖圍香  Young maidens in fragrant clothes
鮫綃籠玉  Women decorated in classy jewels
一笑千金值  Any smile is worth a thousand gold
神仙體態  They appear like angels
薄幸如何銷得  All encounters lead to happiness special

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《水調歌頭:遊覽》 黃庭堅 (1045-1105) 江紹倫英譯

  《Tune:Prelude to Water Melody: Seeing as I go》 Huang Ting Jian

瑤草一何碧                       Divine Grasses are green all over
春入武陵溪                       Spring at Peach Flower Valley hover
溪上桃花無數                  Where peach flowers bloom in huge numbers
枝上有黃鸝                       Oriels on every branch linger
我欲穿花尋路                  I try to find my path through the flowers
直入白雲深處                  To enter where clouds flow
浩氣展虹霓                       And feel the grandeur of the rainbow
只恐花深裏                       My concern rests with the flowers
紅露濕人衣                       Their red dews may wet my clothes

坐玉石 倚玉枕                Reclining against a boulder I sit
拂金徽                               And adjust notes melodic
謫仙何處                           Where is Li Bai the legend poet
無人伴我白螺杯              Who would drink with me this minute
我為靈芝仙草                  I seek for grass immortal
不為朱唇丹臉                  Not for fame or worldly materials
長嘯亦何為                       I croon to no avail
醉舞下山去                       Tipsy I walk down the hill carefully
明月逐人歸                       The moon follows me home willingly

《無題》寒山 (唐)__ 江紹倫英譯

《無題》寒山 (唐)  《No Title》 Han Shen (Tang Dynasty)

自樂平生道   My way of life features self-recreation
煙蘿石洞間   Living in a cave up on high mountain
野情多放曠   ’Tis a natural feeling of being wild and free
長伴白雲間   With white clouds keeping me company Continue reading