《水調歌頭:遊覽》 黃庭堅 (1045-1105) 江紹倫英譯

  《Tune:Prelude to Water Melody: Seeing as I go》 Huang Ting Jian

瑤草一何碧                       Divine Grasses are green all over
春入武陵溪                       Spring at Peach Flower Valley hover
溪上桃花無數                  Where peach flowers bloom in huge numbers
枝上有黃鸝                       Oriels on every branch linger
我欲穿花尋路                  I try to find my path through the flowers
直入白雲深處                  To enter where clouds flow
浩氣展虹霓                       And feel the grandeur of the rainbow
只恐花深裏                       My concern rests with the flowers
紅露濕人衣                       Their red dews may wet my clothes

坐玉石 倚玉枕                Reclining against a boulder I sit
拂金徽                               And adjust notes melodic
謫仙何處                           Where is Li Bai the legend poet
無人伴我白螺杯              Who would drink with me this minute
我為靈芝仙草                  I seek for grass immortal
不為朱唇丹臉                  Not for fame or worldly materials
長嘯亦何為                       I croon to no avail
醉舞下山去                       Tipsy I walk down the hill carefully
明月逐人歸                       The moon follows me home willingly

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