《好事近•夢中作》 秦觀(1049-1100)  __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Good News Near•Written in Dream》__Qin Guan (1049-1100)
春路雨添花 On a spring path flowers thrive with rain
花動一山春色 Hills are in beautiful scenes of spring
行到小溪深處 At the far end of a small brook
有黃鸝千百 Hundreds of oriels sing to provoke
飛雲當麵化龍蛇 Fleeting clouds change to become dragons and snakes
夭驕轉空碧 Extending their reaches to cover a sky blue and big
醉臥古藤陰下 Being drunk I lie in the shade of aging vines
了不知南北 Knowing not if it is north or south I reside

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