《念奴嬌》  宋江(?-1141) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Remembering Palace Maid》 Song Jiang (?- 1141)
天南地北  From south of heaven to earth north
問乾坤何處  Where I ask
可容狂客  Could a caring man reside
借得山東煙水寨  I borrow a waterside ford east of the big mount
來買鳳城春色  To imitate the grandeur of the old Capital
翠袖圍香  Young maidens in fragrant clothes
鮫綃籠玉  Women decorated in classy jewels
一笑千金值  Any smile is worth a thousand gold
神仙體態  They appear like angels
薄幸如何銷得  All encounters lead to happiness special

回想蘆葉灘頭  Here we are in reed nd marsh territory
蓼花汀畔  Wild grass keeps us in wholesome company
皓月空凝碧  The moon shines serene and vividly
六六雁行連八九  We are thirty six fighters and seventy two leaders
只待金雞消息  Ready to serve our country on any royal order
義膽包天  Our care for man extends to all space
忠肝蓋地  Our loyalty to human dignity fills earth spheres
四海無人識  Alas who in the four seas would recognize that we exist
閒愁萬種  Ten thousand gripes bombard in my mind
醉鄉一夜頭白  Drunk over night my hair turned white

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