陽關三疊 王維

渭城朝雨浥輕塵   客舍青青柳色新
勸君更盡一杯酒   西出陽關無故人

To a Departing Ambassador             江紹倫  譯

This quiet little town Wei is clean washed by morning rain
Young willows by the tavern lodge are bright and green
Do down this cup of wine with me once and again
West of the Sun Pass no more friends will be seen

《送友人》__ 李白

青山横北郭   白水繞東城
此地一為别   孤蓬萬里征

浮雲游子意   落日故人情
揮手自兹去   萧萧班馬鳴

Farewell My Friend              江紹倫  譯

Green mountains range across the northern sky
White water girds the eastern hometown
Here we each other say goodbye
Alone you will freely drift as light as thistledown

Howe’er you may roam following the floating clouds
At every sunset your tender heart will feel affectionately bound
Let’s wave so you can get on your way
Await not your steed so impatiently neigh

宿建德江 孟浩然

移舟泊烟渚  日暮客愁新
野曠天低樹  江清月近人

Mooring on Jiande River      江紹倫  譯

I moor my boat by the misty rivershore
Renewing grief haunt me when the sun is seen no more
The vastness of this unending plain dwarfs tall trees
While deep in the crystal clear river the moon is near me

自遣 (唐)李白


tr. Arthur Waley

I sat drinking and did not notice the dusk,
Till falling petals filled the folds of my dress.
Drunken I rose and walked to the moonlit stream;
The birds were gone, and men also few.

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《菩萨蛮》 (唐)李白 (701~762)


Pu Sa Man Li Bai
Translated by Chen Yaoguo (1965 from Ottawa)

A misty forest weaves far and wide
to cold teal mountains, my heartbreaks aside.
Darkness befalls a mansion tall,
wherein melancholy is stored.
Standing alone on steps of jade,
birds flutter fast to roost ending the day.
Where is my way home?
I’d falter long and short along pausing zones.

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涼州詞 (唐)王翰(687-726)


Up to the Front         江紹倫  譯

Fine grape wine fills agate cups so luminous by night
Before we drank to the tune of pipa we were summoned on horse back to fight
Do not show your scorn whence you see us dead drunk on the battleground
How many warriors down history ever came home save and sound

《夜思》__ 李白

床前明月光 疑是地上霜
舉頭望明月 低頭思故鄉

On a Quiet Night      江紹倫  譯

Moonlight floods on ground in front of  my bed
Could it be frost that had spread
Raising my head I see the moon so bright
Lowering it I yearn to reach home tonight

Gertrude ChanNovember 20, 2009 at 10:27 am

Before my bed moon beams sprawl
Like frost on the ground aglow
Lifting my head I look at the bright moon
Lowering my head I pine for home

ykchanNovember 29, 2009 at 9:55 am

Evening Reflections–Li Bai

Claire-de-lune shines on my bed,
as ground frost seemingly shed.
Looking up at the bright moon,
into a nod in yearning for home me lets.