涼州詞 (唐)王翰(687-726)


Up to the Front         江紹倫  譯

Fine grape wine fills agate cups so luminous by night
Before we drank to the tune of pipa we were summoned on horse back to fight
Do not show your scorn whence you see us dead drunk on the battleground
How many warriors down history ever came home save and sound

1 thought on “涼州詞 (唐)王翰(687-726)

  1. 【涼 州 詞】 唐·王 翰
    葡萄美酒夜光杯, 欲飲琵琶馬上催。
    醉臥沙場君莫笑, 古來征戰幾人回 ?

    “Song of Liangzhou” Wang Han (Tang)
    O Aromatic, fine wine in glow-at-night jade cups round!
    We’re about to drink as horseback lutes to mount at once sound.
    If we lay drunk on the battlefield sands, do not laugh, m’friend!
    Since time began, how many have come back at battles’ end?

    (tr. frank c w yue)

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