自遣 (唐)李白


tr. Arthur Waley

I sat drinking and did not notice the dusk,
Till falling petals filled the folds of my dress.
Drunken I rose and walked to the moonlit stream;
The birds were gone, and men also few.

Solitary Pursuit
tr. SL Kong (1953)

Alone I drank unaware of dusk
While falling petals are covering my gown fast
Tipsily I rose to stroll along the gleaming brook
The birds are gone and no man looked

 On My Own
tr. By F Y. Yu (Class of 1961)

With wine near I scarcely notice the approach of dusk.
Falling petals scatter all over my dress.
Unsteady of foot, I walk towards the moon in the stream.
Birds are home gone, and people are scarce.

 Divertimento for One
tr. By Y K Chan (Class of 1965)

Drinking, I sense not the dwindling daylight;
Showering petals drench my blouse.
To the moon mirrored in the brook I stagger,
Whilst birds are gone roosting and few passers-by aroused.

Amusing Myself
tr. By Arthur Cooper

Facing my wine, I did not see the dusk,
Falling blossoms have filled the folds of my clothes.
Drunk, I rise and approach the moon in the stream,
Birds are far off, people too are few.

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