《調笑令‧會場素描》《鬆園》《題畫竹》《回梅縣探老家》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《調笑令‧會場素描》《Tune: For a Laugh–Scene of a Meeting》 

頭重  Heads heavy
頭重  Heads heavy

四個小時聽眾  A four-hour long listening audience
腰斜眼倦腸饑  Bodies bent eyes tired and guts empty
左手頻看計時  Peeping at the watch frequently

時計  Watch peeping
時計  Watch peeping
有點猿心馬意  Monkey thoughts and steed images wandering

《鬆園》《Hotel Song Garden》(1977)

四面青山列翠屏  Screened on four sides by hills so green
鬆園終不老閑身  This garden hotel a paradise a retiree seen
會當再奮十年斗  Ten years of striving I should yet seek
歸讀陰那梅水濱  Then home to hills and River Mei I shall read

《題畫竹》《On a Painting of Bamboo》(1978)

Ye彩筆凌雲畫溢思  Free brush moves like clouds to draw what is in mind
虛心勁節是吾師  Hollow body and hard knots are models alive
人生貴有胸中竹  What a wonder to know everything in life
經得艱難考驗時  Conquering difficulties and tests with pride

《回梅縣探老家》《Visiting Home at Meixian》(1980)

八十三年一瞬馳  A brink of time in eighty years three
木窗燈盞憶兒痴  With a lamp by the window childhood memories glee
人生百歲半九十  One hundred years of life approaching ninety
萬丈霞光值暮時  These evening hours shine bright and mighty

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