《薄暮》《落日》 《祝月》《辭諸生詩》廖燕(1644-1705) 江紹倫英譯

《薄暮》《Early Dusk》Liao Yan

薄暮西郊外  Outside the west suburb dusk sets in gradually
扶筇過野塘  I walk with my cane to visit a wild pond leisurely
閑看歸客急  A traveler hurries home as I keep watch
匹馬向斜陽  Behind the setting sun his horse gallops stopping not

《落日》 《Sunset》

落日白雲外  Beyond the white clouds the sun sets
殘霞相映紅  The colorful sky lingers with brilliance yet
西山街未盡  On west mount the dimming ray reaches street end
猶照兩三株  It casts a remaining shine on trees now and then

《祝月》《Moon Wishes》

竹管簫疏起夜涼  The night cools when pipes sing an isolated song
行看秋月滿輪霜  I watch the frosty full autumn moon inching on
殷勤好照今宵夢  With affection it shines on my dream tonight
一路遙飛到故鄉  And helps me home in speedy flight

《辭諸生詩》《Bidding Farewell to Students》

四十年前事既非  Events in forty years are gone to naught
那堪還著舊藍衣  A blue coat for scholars on me until it rots
年來著述心徒在  Writing these years my thoughts race and sit still
老去功名願已違  My wish for recognition has not come remaining years few

四海浪平龍獨臥  In the windless four seas a lone dragon lies
一天雲凈鶴高飛  Cranes soar high in a cloudless sky
須知富貴非吾願  It should be known I had never wished to be rich
願抱琴書伴釣磯  To have my zither by my side as I fish is all I wish

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