《春愁》《離台詩》《元夕無月》《山村即目(三首)》《舟中望荼盤山》 丘逢甲(1864-1912) 江紹倫英譯

《春愁》  《Spring Sorrow》Qiu Feng Jia

春愁難遣強看山  Spring sorrow lingers I look up the mountain
往事驚心淚欲潸  Past events frightful tears ready to fountain
四百萬人同一哭  Four million countrymen cry in unison
*去年今日割台灣  A year ago this day Taiwan was in cessation *(17 April 1895)

《離台詩》  《Leaving Taiwan》

*宰相有權能割地  The Prime Minister has the power to make gifts in cessation * (李鴻章)
孤臣無力可回天  Patriotic legions helpless in reversing the traitorous decision
扁舟去作鴟夷子  On a leafy skiff toward drunken land I am sailing
回首河山意黯然  I look back to my motherland feeling sad and unavailing

《元夕無月》  《A Moonless Lantern Festival》

三年此夕月無光  For three years the moon emits no light on Lantern Festival Eve
明月多應在故鄉  It chooses to shine where our homes used to be
欲向海天尋月去  To catch the moon in sky above the wide sea
五更飛夢渡鯤洋  Fly pass the Taiwan Strait in a predawn dream you will see

《山村即目(三首)》  《Mountain Village (3 verses)》

軋軋車聲水滿陂  Amid the clicking sound of the irrigation machine the pool is filled
溪山佳處客行遲  To this scenic place of hills and rills I hurriedly pursue
林腰一抹炊煙淡  Smokes from cooking stoves dance in between the forest
知是人家飯熟時  Telling everyone dinners are ready at their best

一角西峰夕照中  The setting sun shines on a corner of the west mount
斷雲東嶺雨蒙蒙  Over the east hills clouds break rains falling down
林楓欲老柿將熟  Before the maples turn yellow and red persimmons ripe
秋在萬山深處紅  Deep in ten thousand mountains autumn is in radiant dye

山田一雨稻初蘇  With a final rain the terrace rice fields are ready for harvest
村景宜添七月圖  Their lofty beauty adds charm to this picturesque August
雞犬驚喧官牒下  Whence the collecting officers come holding tax bills high
農忙時節隸催租  Dogs and hens take flight to alert farmers of their plights

《舟中望荼盤山》  《Hills of Teas Seen from my Boat》

滄波無際夕陽紅  On a gloomy sea of haze the red sun falls on the horizon
孤嶼蒼茫大海中  A tall cliff on a lonely islet sits in the middle of the ocean
水墨痕濃雲腳矮  Where the clouds rest the scene appears like ink painting
茶盤山外雨濛濛  On the hills decorated by rows of tea plants it is raining

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