《Tune: Charm of a Maiden Dancer . Farewell at a Post House》Wen Tien Xiang
水天空闊 The sky boundless over a vast ocean
恨東風 不借世間英物 But the hero’s borrowed wind is not present
蜀鳥吳花殘照裏 Under the setting sun cuckoos sing amid southern flowers
忍見荒城頹壁 Sadly I see so many ruined towns and towers
銅雀春清 The Bronze Statue bears witness in spring
金人秋淚 By autumn Tatar tears will be seen
此恨憑誰雪 Who can revenge this invading woe
堂堂劍氣 The shining revenge sword is in my fold
鬥牛空認奇傑 The Dipper will witness the victory of this hero
那信江海余生 Do believe we have survived the big ocean
南行萬裏 Ten thousand li in territory southern
屬扁舟齊發 By sail and drift we stay free
正為鷗盟留醉眼 With drunken eyes we draft plans for all to agree
細看濤生雲滅 In pondering tides rise and clouds disappear
睨柱吞嬴 To the Tatar Chieftain I defy
回旗走懿 In wrath we hoisted our banners high
千古沖冠發 Our sustaining grievance abide
伴人無寐 Sleepless through the night
秦淮應是孤月 Over the Qinhuai River the moon should shine