《西陵道士茶歌》溫庭筠 (812-870) 江詔倫英譯

《西陵道士茶歌》溫庭筠  《A Tea Song of Daoist Si Ling》Wen Tingyun

乳竇濺濺通石脈  Water drips along icy columns in caves serene
綠塵愁草春江色  Spring grass and tea creams color the river green
澗花入井水味香  Wild flowers follow streams to the well fragrance in action
山月當人鬆影直  Amicable pines wave in moonshine to invite appreciation Continue reading

《與趙莒茶宴》錢起(722-780) 江紹倫英譯

《與趙莒茶宴》錢起(722-780) 《A Tea Party with Zhao Ju》Qian QiTea_set

Friends of Bamboo understand one another sipping teas purple
An association tighter than Daoists tipsy with Immortal Brew
Emotional cares washed clear silent words have much to say
A tree of singing cicadas precipitates but a light shade

《宋 禪詩_4》江紹倫英譯

《攜手》天童覺 (南宋 1091-1157)    《Holding Hands》Tian Tong Yue  

攜手樓頭共語時  Up the tower holding hands we chat so merry
白蘋紅蓼對江湄  By the river white and red lilies thrive so many
衷腸訴盡無人委  Now alone on the tower I have no one to hear my soul
惟有清風明月知  Clear winds and bright moon know Continue reading

《清 禪詩_2》江紹倫英譯

《問處》惠因靜《Questioning》Hui Ying Jin(Qing Dynasty)

問處分明答處親  Precise questions meet with answers well defined
半同含笑半同嗔  Half joking half deride
君看陌上二三月  Behold the tiny paths between fields in early New Year
那樹枝頭不帶春  Find me a tree its branches carry not spring colors fair Continue reading

《清 禪詩_1》江紹倫英譯

《一片》靈潤機   《Sounds》Ling Runji (Qing Dynasty)

一片潮聲下石頭  A boat sails for Shi Tao amid sounds of high tide
江亭送別使人愁  Sadly I arrive at the pavilion to bid my friend goodbye
可憐垂柳絲千尺  Pity the willow tendrils hang in thousand feet long
似為春江綰去舟  As if to trying to bind the boat from sailing on Continue reading

《明.清 禪詩》__江紹倫英譯

《一點》三宜明孟(明.清1647-1661) 《One Drop》Xan Yi Minyu 

一點私情奈得羞  Keeping a drop of personal feelings evokes shame
也曾漏泄在君侯  I try to let known this love profane
相思正值春三月  Longing for love in every spring
花開花落總是愁  My heart remains same while flowers bloom and wane Continue reading