《問處》惠因靜《Questioning》Hui Ying Jin(Qing Dynasty)
問處分明答處親 Precise questions meet with answers well defined
半同含笑半同嗔 Half joking half deride
君看陌上二三月 Behold the tiny paths between fields in early New Year
那樹枝頭不帶春 Find me a tree its branches carry not spring colors fair
《理事》截駒雲《Truth and Phenomena》Jie Juyuan (Qing Dynasty)
理事渾融妙德全 Combing the truth with phenomena the whole is in peep
烟籠嶽頂月臨淵 Like clouds above peaks and moon dwelling in the deep
虗明夾岸夕如晝 In the dark night the moon renders the river banks blight as midday
赤膊蘆花枕雪眠 On bare back I sleep on reed flowers like a pillow of snow so gay
《興至》谷隱啓《Interest Surfaces》Gu Yinqi (Qing Dynasty)
興至持竿駕小舟 Moved by interest I row my skiff go fishing
乘風泛入五湖秋 Early morning at the Five Lakes winds send us speeding
櫓聲驚起蘆花鴈 My oars frighten the geese among tall reeds
卻逐流沙過別洲 I steer my skiff to visit other sandy islets
《得意》大嶺丕《Satisfaction》Da Lingpei (Qing Dynasty)
得意扁舟掛滿帆 On full sail a skiff glides in satisfaction
好風面面絕遮攔 Winds from all sides blow meeting no obstruction
笛聲吹盡梅花調 The flute renders melodies singing ye
落日潮生五月寒 At sunset the swelling tides signal the chill of May
《風敲》自聞宣《Knocks》Zi Wenxian (Qing Dynasty)
風敲月戶屏同冷 Midnight winds knock cooling my screen
雨打茅堂暑亦寒 Rains beat my thatched hut sending summer heat in spin
高臥懶尋人事俗 A sound sleep helps me to care not matters mundane
詩腸僅比酒腸寬 My love for poems is deeper than my love for drinks
《一樣》遠庵禮《Same》Yuan An Li (Qing Dynasty)
一樣花溪一樣紅 Red flowers line up this stream and that stream the same
千株桃李千株穠 Thousands of peach trees and plum trees fragrance pertain
何人識得春風面 He who recognizes the face of spring
五色芳菲處處逢 Will appreciate its many colors wherever in
《故國》師瞿濟《Homeland》Shi Juji (Qing Dynasty)
故國飄零事已非 I left my homeland nothing is the same
煙波江上月明歸 Under a blight moon I sail the river up memory lane
酣歌驚起沙汀雁 Loudly I sing sending geese to leave their resting place
盡向蘆花深處飛 To the dense reeds they flock in haste
《黃梅》撫松《Ripe Plums》Fu Song (Qing Dynasty)
黃梅時節家家雨 Drizzles day after day when plums ripe
春草池塘處處蛙 Amid spring weeds in ponds flogs cry day and night
白鷺下田千點雪 White cranes alight at the fields like snows fall
黃鸝上樹一枝花 Yellow oriels flock on trees like attending floral balls