《宋 禪詩_4》江紹倫英譯

《攜手》天童覺 (南宋 1091-1157)    《Holding Hands》Tian Tong Yue  

攜手樓頭共語時  Up the tower holding hands we chat so merry
白蘋紅蓼對江湄  By the river white and red lilies thrive so many
衷腸訴盡無人委  Now alone on the tower I have no one to hear my soul
惟有清風明月知  Clear winds and bright moon know

《霜風》佛慧泉 (北宋) 《Frosty Winds》 Fu Hui Chang

霜風刮地掃枯荄  Frosty winds blow low to sweep away wilted grass total
誰覺東君令已回  Who would know spring is returning under orders natural
惟有嶺梅先漏泄  Only hill top plum trees got the news in advance
一枝獨向雪中開  They bloom alone when snows linger on to last

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