《試譯 ‘This is My Canada’ Chorus》__ 陳瑞文 (71)

[youtube_sc url=”WAYhT5f0i-I” rel=”0″]

Look to the future, learn from the past
Build today and make it last
So much to offer, so much to gain
It takes more than one link to make a chain
So many heroes nationwide
So many hearts filled with pride
There’s so much more to share
Let me take you there

試翻譯如下: Continue reading

Auld Lang Syne with Chinese from Raymond Lee (65)

[youtube_sc url=”R8NSKN5Dlk8″ rel=”0″]

Auld Lang Syne
1st verse
Should old acquaintance be forgot/ And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot/ And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear/ For auld lang syne
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet/ For auld lang syne,

2nd verse
(李榮輝 WYK1965)
求永遠記得  你共我  今晚同渡這刻,
今晚把酒慶祝  與並肩好友 舊調重唱,
請你珍惜健康  來日生趣  淡淡細賞,
相見亦是緣份  盼可跟你  日後重見。

花樣年華 Florescent Age

作詞:范煙橋 Lyrics: Fan Yanqiao
作曲:林枚 Music: Lin Mei

周旋唱 Sung by Zhou Xuan

In my florescent age, luminal spirit, crystallinus wisdom
La vie en rose, passionate relations, rises a perfect home.

Suddenly—this lone isle is shrouded with tragic mists and forlorn clouds, tragic mists and forlorn clouds.
Ah! When can I return to you, my beloved motherland
To see the mists and clouds dissipate, to see your brilliance again?

Florescent age, luminal spirit.

《百首中文金曲榜》 __岑建成(71)編

歲月流聲 – 我們喜愛的100 首中文歌曲。

71屆同學葉柏年(Fred Yip) 去年以其極敏鋭的音樂觸覺及其對流行音樂的熱忱,寫了 “Music to My Ears – A Mosaic of 100 Songs” 一文,開宗明義地引莎翁名言,說明欠缺音樂的人生是乏味的,靈魂會像黑夜般昏沉、心胸會像地獄般幽暗。跟著細訴他如何在耳濡目染下與流行音樂結下不解之緣,並完全投向妙曼樂韻的懷抱裏。之後他更精挑細選出他至愛的百首英文歌曲與同好分享。百首金曲推出後,反應熱烈。部份71 屆同學們意猶未盡,經集思廣益後,亦炮製了百首中文金曲( 以下簡稱「百大」)應和。百首中文金曲榜,涵蓋了40至千禧年代不同時期不同類型的歌曲,以一人一首的規格,收錄了歌者們的代表作。


《Music to My Ears – A Mosaic of 100 Songs》 __ Fred Yip (71)

The man that hath no music in himself
Nor is moved with concord of sweet sounds
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils
The motions of his spirit are dull as night
And his affections dark as Erebus
Let no such man be trusted
Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Act V, Scene I

Click here to read Music to My Ears.

A Mosaic of 100 Songs