《清 禪詩_1》江紹倫英譯

《一片》靈潤機   《Sounds》Ling Runji (Qing Dynasty)

一片潮聲下石頭  A boat sails for Shi Tao amid sounds of high tide
江亭送別使人愁  Sadly I arrive at the pavilion to bid my friend goodbye
可憐垂柳絲千尺  Pity the willow tendrils hang in thousand feet long
似為春江綰去舟  As if to trying to bind the boat from sailing on

《茅庵》濟水洗  《Thatch Roof Hut》Qi Shuixian (Qing Dynasty)

茅庵隱隱傍溪邊  My thatch roof hut vaguely seen by the mountain brook
撥霧尋芝種石田  I tilt the stony field at dawn for herbal fungi I look
轉步看花花欲醉  Flowers appear as I turn from work sweet as wine
流鶯不覺落窗前  An oriel alights on my windowsill from time to time

《火筒》汝風杲《Bamboo Blower》Ru Feng Gao (Qing Dynasty)

兩頭截斷見心空  Cut at both ends a bamboo is hallow
一竅能生萬灶風  A single blow it enlivens ten thousand stoves
漫借渠儂伸口氣  Using it to blow out a stream of air at ease
死柴口上也通紅  Even damp logs are in red flames every piece

《贈別》何庵 《Parting Wishes》He An (Qing Dynasty)

萬里波瀾一葉舟  A skiff floats on ten thousand waves and billows
秋風如箭月如鉤  Beneath the new moon autumn winds dart like arrows
不須更問途中事  Worry not what will be encountered in the journey
過得三巴即便休  Once passed the Three Gorges everything is honey

《涼夜》笠山寧 《A Cool Night》Li Shan Ning (Qing Dynasty)

涼夜霜飛天地秋  After a night of frost autumn is here
凋殘木葉見江流  Fallen leaves drift in the river far and near
一時體露金風裏  Whence all things are enveloped in autumn winds
月落澄潭不可求  Deep down in the pool the moon is not easily seen

《乳鴉》月廠屏《Baby Crow》Yue Chang Ping (Qing Dynasty)

乳鴉啼散玉屏空  Baby crows gone leaving the Mt.Yu Ping vacant
一枕新涼一扇風  I feel cool on my pillow ’tis breezes present
睡起秋聲無覓處  Awake I search for the sounds of autumn in vain
滿階梧葉月明中  The moon shines on my garden to reveal leaves falling

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