《峽中嘗茶》鄭谷(?-896) 江紹倫英譯

《Tasting Tea at the Three Gorges》Zheng Gu

簇簇新英摘露光  From the dew wet tea shrubs we pick tender leaves
小江園裡火煎嘗  Then brew them for taste in a garden party spree
吳僧漫說鴉山好  A monk from Tai Lake praises the Crow Hill supreme
蜀叟休誇鳥嘴香  A Sichuan senior opines the Bird Beak fragrance serene Continue reading

《西山》劉克莊(1187-1269) 江紹倫英譯

《西山》劉克莊(1187-1269) 《West Hill》Liu Ke Zhuan

絕頂遙知有隱君  High up the mountain zenith lives this hermit
餐芝種術麈為群  Eating fungi and herbs he and animals keep no limit
多應午灶茶煙起  Vapors rise every noon when he brews tea
山下看來是白雲  From downhill it looks like white clouds flee

《過揚子江二首》楊萬里(1127-1206) 江紹倫英譯

《過揚子江二首》楊萬里(1127-1206) 《Passing the Yangzi River》Yang Wan Li

只有清霜凍太空  Only pure frost could keep outer space cold
更無半點荻花風  Amid reef flowers one could find no winds blow
天開雲霧東南碧  Clouds clear the sky is blue south and east
日射波濤上下紅  Sunny days set both sea wave and sky ablaze Continue reading

《走筆謝孟諫議寄新茶(節譯)》盧同(795-835) 江紹倫英譯

《A Note with a Gift of New Tea(Rendition of parts)》Lu Tong

日高丈五睡正濃 In deep slumber at high noon I feel happy
軍將打門驚周公 A minor officer knocks and wakes me up suddenly
口雲諫議送書信 To announce the delivery of a note personal
白絹斜封三道印 A silk-wrap box marked by three seals emerald
開緘宛見諫議面 Opening the package to read the note at ease
手閱月團三百片 I find a cake of tea with three hundred tea leaves Continue reading


Lu Yu

春木南溟筆 陸羽像(部分)

《謝徐璣惠茶》徐照(?-1211) 《Thanks to Xu Ji for a Gift of Tea》Xu Zhao

建山惟上貢  Tea leaves from Mt. Jian are national gift quality
採擷極艱辛  Collecting them involves extreme difficulty
不擬分奇品  No attempt to make grading classification
遙將寄野人  Coming from afar to me is special valuation Continue reading


生死這問題,是古今中外任何人都關心的。尤其是哲學家和宗教家,往往由此開始發展其宗教式哲學。在西方,可能對生死比中國人看得更嚴重,更認真。例如西方佛教,其思想「苦諦」,就應該是其建立理論及修持方法最關鍵之一。所以在「苦諦」上,就會講到「二苦,三苦,四苦,五苦,八苦 」,以至一百一十種苦。講出人生各種苦。當然死之苦,應是苦中之苦。基於此 「苦 」所建立的哲學及宗教,當然就是對現實人生充滿各種苦的喧染和誇張。
