《過揚子江二首》楊萬里(1127-1206) 《Passing the Yangzi River》Yang Wan Li
只有清霜凍太空 Only pure frost could keep outer space cold
更無半點荻花風 Amid reef flowers one could find no winds blow
天開雲霧東南碧 Clouds clear the sky is blue south and east
日射波濤上下紅 Sunny days set both sea wave and sky ablaze
千載英雄鴻去外 Heroes in a millennium gone in history
六朝形勝雪晴中 The hills and rills of the Six Dynasties remain a reality
攜瓶自汲江心水 I scoop up a jar of First Spring from mid-river
要試煎茶第一功 To brew tea in style of the first order