《玉樓春: 戲呈林節推鄉兄》劉克莊(1187-1269) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Jade Pavilion in Spring – To Jester a Friend》 Liu Ke Zhuan (1187-1269)

年年躍馬長安市  Galloping through the Capital years in a row
客舍似家家似寄  Away from home you linger in brothels as usual
青錢換酒日無何  Sparing no coins you drink your days away
紅燭呼盧宵不寐  By candlelight your nights are sleepless but gay Continue reading

《西山》劉克莊(1187-1269) 江紹倫英譯

《西山》劉克莊(1187-1269) 《West Hill》Liu Ke Zhuan

絕頂遙知有隱君  High up the mountain zenith lives this hermit
餐芝種術麈為群  Eating fungi and herbs he and animals keep no limit
多應午灶茶煙起  Vapors rise every noon when he brews tea
山下看來是白雲  From downhill it looks like white clouds flee