《A Note with a Gift of New Tea(Rendition of parts)》Lu Tong
日高丈五睡正濃 In deep slumber at high noon I feel happy
軍將打門驚周公 A minor officer knocks and wakes me up suddenly
口雲諫議送書信 To announce the delivery of a note personal
白絹斜封三道印 A silk-wrap box marked by three seals emerald
開緘宛見諫議面 Opening the package to read the note at ease
手閱月團三百片 I find a cake of tea with three hundred tea leaves
柴門反關無俗客 Closing my wicket with no one else inside
紗帽籠頭自煎吃 Amid vapor and aroma I brew tea to drink in delight
碧雲引風吹不斷 Clear clouds and a gentle breeze sooth continual
白花浮光凝碗面 White flowers float to the brim of the bowl
一碗喉吻潤 Drinking one bowl my throat feels wet and tranquil
兩碗破孤悶 A second bowl drives away my solitary ills
三碗搜枯腸 The third bowl surges my guts thorough
唯有文字五千卷 To reveal five thousand volumes of words sensible
四碗發輕汗 The fourth bowl induces perspiration mild
平生不平事,盡向毛孔散 Through open pores dispel all injustice in life,With no exception
五碗肌骨清 The fifth bowl relaxes my bones and muscles
六碗通仙靈 The sixth bowl touches my very soul
七碗吃不得也 Holding the seventh bowl I could drink no more
唯覺兩腋習習清 My two arms have turned into wings on winds soar
蓬萊山,在何處 Wherever is the land of the immortals
玉川子,乘此清風欲歸去With my new wings I wish to pursue eternal