《嘗茶》戴昺(元) 江紹倫英譯

《嘗茶》戴昺(元)  《Savouring Tea》Dai Bing(Yuan Dynasty)

自汲香泉帶落花  I draw spring water carrying fragrance of fallen petals
漫燒石鼎試新茶  To boil new tea to savour on stone stove
綠陰天氣閒庭院  My courtyard under green shades stands serene
臥聽黃蜂報晚衙  I lounge listening to bees doing their routine

《憶舊遊 * 秋窗茗話》江立(清) 江紹倫英譯

《憶舊遊 * 秋窗茗話》江立(清)
《Tune: Recalling Old Travels * Tea Talks in Autumn》Jiang Li (Qing Dynasty)

正松風灑翠     Green pine needles fall in the wind
石鼎飛紅         Beneath stone stoves red flames flying
來問君家         I arrive at your home visiting
冷客偏多事      Infrequent guests must be treated warmly
笑秋將過半      Laughing at how fast autumn is vanishing
還鬥春茶         As we brew spring tea Continue reading

《西江月*茶》《題落星寺 (三) 》《踏莎行 * 茶詞》黃庭堅(1045-1105) __ 江紹倫英譯

《西江月*茶》《Tune: Moon Over West River * Tea》Huang Ting Jian

龍焙頭綱春早              The prized Dragon Bake arrived by logistics in early spring
谷簾第一泉香              Valley Window the Premier Spring its fragrance swing
已醺浮蟻嫩鵝黃          In the simmering yellow broth swells the ant like bubbles
想見翻成雪浪              Waiting for churns of snow-white ripples Continue reading

《試茶》 《蘭亭道上》《幽居初夏》《漁家傲 * 寄仲高》陸游(1125-1210)__ 江紹倫英譯

《試茶》陸游 《Testing Tea》 Lu You

蒼爪初驚鷹脫韝  The Eagle Claw tea has been brewed to satisfaction
得湯已見玉花浮  In the broth is seen ripples in action
睡魔何止避三舍  Drowsy ghost has disappeared tens of miles far
歡伯直知輸一籌  Prime wine admits defeat in upholding the spirit at par Continue reading

《茶坡》陸希聲(?-896) 江紹倫英譯

《茶坡》陸希聲(?-896) 《Tea Slope》Lu Xi Sheng

二月山家谷雨天 For mountain dwellers days of Grain Rain Fest are important
半坡芳茗露華鮮 Delightful to see new shoots thriving in slopes of tea plantation
春酲酒病兼消渴 Diabetic sufferers and chronic drunks no longer need worry
惜取新芽旋摘煎 A bowl of new tea broth by the slope offers effective remedy

《浣溪沙 * 悼亡妻》納蘭性德(1655-1685)江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook * Pinning for My Deceased Wife》Nalan Xingde

誰念西風獨自涼  For whom I pine for west wind in the cold
蕭蕭黃葉閉疏窗  Behind closed shutters I hear yellow leaves on grounds toll
沉思往事立殘陽  And recall our happy experience in days old Continue reading