《試茶》 《蘭亭道上》《幽居初夏》《漁家傲 * 寄仲高》陸游(1125-1210)__ 江紹倫英譯

《試茶》陸游 《Testing Tea》 Lu You

蒼爪初驚鷹脫韝  The Eagle Claw tea has been brewed to satisfaction
得湯已見玉花浮  In the broth is seen ripples in action
睡魔何止避三舍  Drowsy ghost has disappeared tens of miles far
歡伯直知輸一籌  Prime wine admits defeat in upholding the spirit at par Continue reading

訴衷情 (宋)·陸游 (1125-1210)

訴衷情  (宋·陆游宋)·陸游 (1125-1210) 

當年萬里覓封候   匹馬戍梁州   關河夢斷何處  塵暗舊貂裘
胡未滅  鬢先秋  淚空流   此生誰料  心在天山  身老滄洲 

Tune:   Of Innermost Feelings   Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

Alone I rode ten thousand li so long ago
To the call in arms at frontier Leung Zhou
Now in fading dreams I know not where to go
My cavalier coat of sable worn and old

The invaders not defeated yet
My autumn hair no longer black
Tears shed in vain
Who could expect in this my life
My heart still focusing on mountain-high aim
My ailing body is but a mortal frame

十一月四日風雨大作 (宋) 陸游(1125-1210 )


During a Storm in the Eleventh Moon__ Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

I grieved not lying forlorn in a village hut
Plans to reclaim our lost frontier loomed in my heart
Listening to how stormy winds hurry the pouring rain
I dreamed how our steely steeds braved the frozen river on free rein

钗頭鳳 陸遊 (1125-1210);唐琬 (1124-1156)

钗頭鳳           陸遊 (1125-1210)

紅酥手      黃藤酒
東風惡      歡情薄
一懷愁緒    幾年離索
錯    錯    錯

春如舊      人空瘦
桃花落      閑池閣
山盟雖在    錦書難托
莫    莫    莫

Tune: Phoenix Hairpin                       Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

Tender hands fine
Well aged wine
In a spring-filled city willows confined
Harsh east winds
Happy feelings thin
My heart filled with misery
Yearnings years too long
Wrong Wrong Wrong

Spring like last year remains
I see you are so thin
Your red kerchief soaked with tears
Peach blossoms fall
By the deserted hall
Our love oaths still true
Messages could not get through
No  No  No

(We know very little about marriages in old times. They were ruled by parents for sure, but not entirely. Lu You divorced his dear wife Tang Wan by his mother’s demand. They met two years later when they were still very much in love. But they were already remarried by then. Those were days when poets were free to write poems on public walls, like graffiti’s today. Lu wrote the first poem. Tang saw it and wrote the second in reply.)

钗頭鳳           唐琬 (1124-1156)

世情薄      人情惡
曉風乾      淚痕殘
欲箋心事    獨語斜闌
難    難    難

人成各      今非昨
角聲寒      夜闌珊
怕人尋問    咽淚妝歡
瞞    瞞    瞞  

Tune: Phoenix Hairpin           Tang Wan (1124-1156)  江紹倫譯

Fairness has worn thin
Relations belligerent
Rain-filled eves hasten flowers to fall
Morning breezes fuss
Traces of tears fade
I wish to write you my feelings
Only to lean on rails alone
Hard  Hard  Hard

You and I have gone different ways
‘Tis no more like yesterday
Hanging tight my injured soul continues to groan
Time-horns their frigid notes blow
Nights persist refusing to grow old
To dispel any query
Tears swallowed I appear cheery
Hide  Hide  Hide

詠梅 陸游(1125-1210)

驛外斷橋邊  寂寞開無主  已是黃昏獨自愁    更著風和雨
無意苦爭春  一任群芳妒  零落成泥碾作塵    只有香如故

In Praise of Mume                    Lu You(1125-1210) 江紹倫譯
Tune: Song of Divination

By the fallen bridge outside the post hall
A flower is in bloom forlorn
She stands in self-imposed dreary by evening
And endures the thrashing of wind and rain

She lays no claim to possess spring
And remain indifferent what envy other flowers bring
Even when her petals fall in mud to become dust
Her fragrance will long remain

示兒 陸游(1125-1210)


To My Son                   Lu You (1125-1210)      江紹倫譯

I know death negates many a worldly deed
Still I grief to see our country not united
Whence our royal force resumed command of the central plain
Tell me in a special rite so my mind will be in peace again

劍門道中遇微雨 陸游(1125-1210)


To the Sword Gate in drizzles               Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

My coat dusty from wandering is not without a wine stain
I was happy and gay wherever far I strayed
Am I a poet I’m wondering
On a donkey I ride through the Sword Gate when it is drizzling

鵲橋仙 (宋)陸游(1125-1210)

一竿風月    一蓑煙雨    家在釣台西住
賣魚生怕近城門    況肯到紅塵深處

潮生理棹    潮平繫纜    潮落浩歌歸去
時人錯把比嚴光    我自是無名漁父

The Magpie Bridge Resident Immortal       Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

A fishing rod I carry in wind and in moonlight
A straw cloak I wear in mist and rain
My home sits west of the fishing terrain

Keep away from city gate if one should like to sell fish
And refrain from life twirls however one wish

On the crest of tides I sail
On level water I float with my boat
I sing in great delight on low tide home I go

People pretend they know me a hermit of fame
I’m just a simple fisherman without a name