《浣溪沙 * 悼亡妻》納蘭性德(1655-1685)江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook * Pinning for My Deceased Wife》Nalan Xingde

誰念西風獨自涼  For whom I pine for west wind in the cold
蕭蕭黃葉閉疏窗  Behind closed shutters I hear yellow leaves on grounds toll
沉思往事立殘陽  And recall our happy experience in days old

被酒莫驚春睡重  Drinking merry before bed unconcerned sleeping late in spring
賭書消得潑茶香  Brewing tea to prolong reading together comparing notes
當時只道是尋常  I thought then those times together were ordinary

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