《西江月*茶》《題落星寺 (三) 》《踏莎行 * 茶詞》黃庭堅(1045-1105) __ 江紹倫英譯

《西江月*茶》《Tune: Moon Over West River * Tea》Huang Ting Jian

龍焙頭綱春早              The prized Dragon Bake arrived by logistics in early spring
谷簾第一泉香              Valley Window the Premier Spring its fragrance swing
已醺浮蟻嫩鵝黃          In the simmering yellow broth swells the ant like bubbles
想見翻成雪浪              Waiting for churns of snow-white ripples

兔褐金絲寶碗               A set of golden thread tea bowls
松風蟹眼新湯               Awaits the pine breeze and crab-eye in the new brew
無因更發次公狂           No need to recall the legend claim for knowing tastes
甘露來從仙掌               The immortals have always been masters of sweet dew trace

《題落星寺 (三) 》《For Temple Comet》

落星開士深結屋  Deep in Mt Comet monks built their temple visionary
龍閣老翁來賦詩  The legend poet of my old home arrived to write leisurely
小雨藏山客坐久  In light drizzles a skiff moors its master awaits
長江接天帆到遲  In yonder Yangzi horizon ships appear late
燕寢清香與世隔  In my simple room rid of worldly bustles I enjoy fragrant tea
畫圖妙絕無人知  A Buddha portrait on the wall who knows what it means to be
蜂房各自開戶牖  Human beings busy like bees performing in their hive
處處煮茶藤一枝  The best way to brew tea is over fires from burning vine

《踏莎行 * 茶詞》《Treading on Grass * Tea Poem》

畫鼓催春                      Beating colorful drums to celebrate spring
蠻歌走餉                      Minority people deliver food to the fields while they sing
雨前一焙誰爭長           Tea leaves are baked before the Cold Meal Festival
低株摘儘到高株           Picking tea leaves from low shrubs to tall trees joyful
株株彆是閩溪樣           Tall tea trees are watered by the Jian Stream usual

碾破春風                      Grinding Spring Breeze tea leaves into fine dust
香凝午帳                      Their fragrance fills shading tents set up for the task
銀瓶雪滾翻成浪           In the silver kettle snow-white ripples churn
今宵無睡酒醒時           Sleeping not this night I stay awake and frequently turn
摩圍影在秋江上           To see Mt Mowei sleeping in the autumn river

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