永遇樂 李清照 (1084-1155)


永遇樂  李清照 (1084-1155)  Tune: Sound Union Happiness  Li Qing Zhao   江紹倫譯
落日鎔金 The sun sets like molten gold
暮雲合璧 Evening clouds marbling cold
人在何處 Darling where are you
染柳煙濃 Dense smoke keeps willows in dye
吹梅笛怨 Sad tunes for mum blossoms the flute sighs
春意知幾許 Whence will spring arrive
元宵佳節 On Lantern Festival
融和天氣 Weather agreeable
次第豈無風雨 Wind and rain will follow
來相召 I thank friends of verses and wine
香車寶馬 Sending scented carriage steeds divine
謝他酒朋詩侶  In vain they invite
中州盛日 Remember happy days in the Capital
閨門多暇 Gathering in my home so pleasurable
記得偏重三五 Friends selected few and valuable
鋪翠冠兒 Heads topped with emerald
撚金雪柳 Filigree in gold
簇帶爭濟楚 Fashions vied invariable
如今憔悴 Now in languid air
風鬟霜鬢 With frosty disheveled hair
怕見夜間出去 I fear being seen in eve affairs
不如向簾兒底下 Preferring to lean behind window screen
聽人笑語 To listen others chat and laugh unseen

“Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”* Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911)

“Lorraine Hunt Lieberson sings Mahler (July 7 1860 – May 18 1911)


This Wednesday is the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Gustav Mahler, who was born in Kaliste, Bohemia on July 7, 1860. His late-Romantic musical idiom was a link between the Romantic Era and the modernism to come later. His music was under-appreciated during his lifetime, but it underwent a revival starting mid 20th century. Today his symphonies and his songs are considered a cornerstone of the standard repertoire. To remember this important anniversary, orchestras around the world are programming Mahler, and special celebrations are taking place this week in Austria and Hungary. Our own TSO is unfortunately in hiatus, but the Toronto Summer Music Festival is calling this year’s theme Song of the Earth, and will perform the chamber version of Das Lied von der Erde (2) on August 7.  To celebrate Mahler’s birthday, I’ve chosen the fifth song of his transcendent Ruckert Lieder, “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” (1), sung by the late, great mezzo Lorraine Hunt Lieberson. She tragically died at the much too young age of 52 from breast cancer on July 3, 2006. To many, “Ich bin der Welt” is the most inspired and deeply moving of all Mahler songs. Heard here in a live performance by Hunt-Lieberson accompanied by Roger Vignoles, it takes on an almost unbearable poignancy.”

– Joseph K. So  [http://videoblog.scena.org/]
Footnotes by YK:

*(1) “I have lost track of the world”, set to song by Mahler.  For an English translation of the German lyrics, see


(2) Four of Li Bai’s poems were used by Mahler in this work.

訴衷情 李清照 (1084-1155)


訴衷情   李清照 (1084-1155) Revealing Inner Feelings     Li Qing Zhao     江紹倫譯
夜來沈醉卸妝遲 Heavily drunk I undress late last night
梅萼插殘枝 Keeping the withered mum in my hair nigh
酒醒熏破春睡 Sobering the sweet scent wakes me from sleep
夢斷不成歸 In my dream my homeland in memory keep
人悄悄 Silently silently I remain
月依依 Lingering the moon stays
翠簾垂 Lowly the curtain unrolled
更挪殘蕊 I crush dry petals with my finger tip
更拈餘香 To keep the sweet scent in hold
更得些時 Waiting for time to go

七哀詩 曹植 (192-232)

七哀詩     曹植 (192-232) Lament   Cao Zhi (192-232)   江紹倫譯
明月照高樓 Playfully moonlight streams across the tower
流光正徘徊 Her soft light lingers on the bower
上有愁思婦 Wilting a lady lets out tender sighs
悲嘆有余哀 Lamenting heart rending pain she cries
借問嘆者誰 Who could be here in such ruth
云是宕子妻 Forsaken a love without proof
君行逾十年 Away you have been for scores of years
孤妾常獨棲 Left behind alone I live with but tears
君若清路塵 You rise like upward dust on your way
妾若濁水泥 Like muddy water I still stay
浮沉各異勢 Swimming or sinking we separately remain
會合何時諧 Whence we will be one again
願為西南風 How I would like to be the southwest wind
長逝入君懷 Sailing across the land to fall into your fold
君懷良不開 Where your embrace is kept in unfold
賤妾當何依 Where and what could I rely to hold

« Anvil Chorus » Salvatore Cammarano (1801-52)

Chorus from Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore

“打鐵歌”             (意) 沙尔发多雷.卡马兰奴 谱词


Performed by:

Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Regio di Parma

DRESDEN. SINOPOLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXFZckzjcKw

Chorus of the Hungarian State Opera House             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjMHCzoneuM&feature=related

GMCLA.ORG             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3x-pwJGsgU

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀国译

Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie                            看!巨大的天穹
de’ cieli sveste l’immensa volta;                            脫落了黑夜的斗篷;
sembra una vedova che alfin si toglie               如寡妇终於卸下
i bruni panni ond’era involta.                                 裹在身上的喪服。
All’opra! all’opra!                                                             开工吧!开工吧!

Dagli, martella!                                                                上吧!打鐵吧!
(Danno di piglio ai ferri del mestiere.)            (众拿鐵鎚准备鐵钻的工作。)   
Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?                             谁为吉卜赛人过的日子欢呼?

La zingarella!                                                                    吉卜赛女郎!
Versami un tratto; lena e coraggio                   给我添酒;酒给我          
il corpo e l’anima traggon dal bere.                 身心上的勇氣及活力。

 Oh guarda, guarda! del sole un raggio           看,一线陽光的閃爍

brilla piu vivido nel tuo bicchiere.                   在你的杯中更灿烂。
All’opra! all’opra!                                                          开工吧!开工吧!        
Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?                           谁为吉卜赛人过的日子欢呼?
La zingarella!                                                                   吉卜赛女郎!




《小雅·采薇·六章》詩經 Home After the War (selected part)     Book of Poetry 江紹倫譯
昔我往矣  When I left here
楊柳依依  Willows lingered and shed tears
今我來思  Now I’ve come back
雨雪霏霏  Rain and snow seen everywhere
行道遲遲  Long long have been those days
載渴載饑  Suffering thirst and hunger always
我心傷悲  Grief in me launch and o’erflow
莫知我哀 Who knows who cares to know

古詩十九首 之十三

古詩十九首 之十三 Nineteen Ancient Poems (13)   Anonymous   江紹倫譯
          驅車上東門 I drive my chariot up Eastern Gate
          遙望郭北墓 And look north to gaze far at the graves
          白楊何蕭蕭 Solemn aspens stand guard and shade
          松柏夾廣路 Pines and cedars line up the broad way
          下有陳死人 ‘Neith laid the remains of people who died long ago
          杳杳即長暮 Timeless they stayed in permanent darkness
          潛寐黃泉下 Resting in sleep they stay in the Yellow Spring below
          千載永不寤 For thousands of years they don’t wake or know
          浩浩陰陽移 Grand are the transpositions of day and night
          年命如朝露 One’s fleeting life transpires like morning dew
          人生忽如寄 Life is but temporal transition
          壽無金石固 While stones and metals last longer than longevity
          萬歲更相送 Living to a hundred years people still say adieu  
          賢聖莫能度 Even saints and sages are no exceptional
          服食求神仙 If by food you seek immortality
          多為藥所誤 There is no elixir dependable
          不如飲美酒 It is better to enjoy the best of wine
          被服紈與素 And dress in satin and silk always


《君子于役》詩經 My Man Serves His State   Book of Poetry   江紹倫譯
君子于役 My man is away serving his state
不知其期 I know not how long he will be away
曷至哉 Or whence he will be on homeward way
雞棲於塒 Good fowls roost in bushy nests
日之夕矣 The sun sets west
羊牛下來 Sheep and cows are home to rest
君子于役 Knowing my man is away
如之何勿思 How can I not miss him night and day
君子于役 My man is away serving his state
不日不月 I know not until what month and day
曷其有佸 Or when we will be united again
雞棲於桀 Good fowls roost in their nests
日之夕矣 When the sun is already set
羊牛下括 Sheep and cows are home to rest
君子于役 My man is away serving his state
苟無饑渴 Spare him from hunger or thirst I pray

《送元二使安西》* (唐)王维



Farewell to Yuan II on a Mission to Anxi *   Wang Wei (699-759)  

Tr. YK Chan  陈耀国译

Morning rain dusts Wei City clean,

Willows by the inn shimmer green.

Down yet another glass thee I pray,

Exit west from Sun Pass old friends fade.


*又名《渭城曲》、《阳关曲》、《陽关三叠》、或《赠别》。Also known as “Melody of Wei City”, “Sun Pass Melody”, “Three Refrains of Sun Pass”, or “Farewell”.

古筝自伴女中音独唱 Mezzo-soprano solo self-accompanied on the zhen: http://union.bokecc.com/ccplay.bo?vid=1843324&uid=16672&isp=3&skin=1&protect=1

or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QVHeqLbp30

古琴独奏 Guqin solo: http://union.bokecc.com/ccplay.bo?vid=4931821&uid=16672&isp=3&skin=1&protect=1

憑欄人 喬吉 (1280-1345)



On My Way to Jinling                        Qiao Ji (1280-1345)  江紹倫譯

Tune: Leaning on Railings

Like a skinny horse burdened by poetry I strayed
Weary birds wailing pass lone villages on their way
Willow catkins shedding all over my head
As if my hair greys too slowly yet