七哀詩 曹植 (192-232)

七哀詩     曹植 (192-232) Lament   Cao Zhi (192-232)   江紹倫譯
明月照高樓 Playfully moonlight streams across the tower
流光正徘徊 Her soft light lingers on the bower
上有愁思婦 Wilting a lady lets out tender sighs
悲嘆有余哀 Lamenting heart rending pain she cries
借問嘆者誰 Who could be here in such ruth
云是宕子妻 Forsaken a love without proof
君行逾十年 Away you have been for scores of years
孤妾常獨棲 Left behind alone I live with but tears
君若清路塵 You rise like upward dust on your way
妾若濁水泥 Like muddy water I still stay
浮沉各異勢 Swimming or sinking we separately remain
會合何時諧 Whence we will be one again
願為西南風 How I would like to be the southwest wind
長逝入君懷 Sailing across the land to fall into your fold
君懷良不開 Where your embrace is kept in unfold
賤妾當何依 Where and what could I rely to hold

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