訴衷情 李清照 (1084-1155)


訴衷情   李清照 (1084-1155) Revealing Inner Feelings     Li Qing Zhao     江紹倫譯
夜來沈醉卸妝遲 Heavily drunk I undress late last night
梅萼插殘枝 Keeping the withered mum in my hair nigh
酒醒熏破春睡 Sobering the sweet scent wakes me from sleep
夢斷不成歸 In my dream my homeland in memory keep
人悄悄 Silently silently I remain
月依依 Lingering the moon stays
翠簾垂 Lowly the curtain unrolled
更挪殘蕊 I crush dry petals with my finger tip
更拈餘香 To keep the sweet scent in hold
更得些時 Waiting for time to go

2 thoughts on “訴衷情 李清照 (1084-1155)

  1. May i submit my rendition below for comments, please?

    【訴衷情】 李清照 (1084-1155)
    夜來沈醉卸妝遲, 梅萼插殘枝。
    酒醒熏破春睡, 夢斷不成歸。


    Innermost Feelings Outpoured! Li Qingzhao
    Heavily drunk last night I only undress, now and here.
    A wilted plum blossom is still inserted in my hair.
    Sobering, the flower’s aroma wakes me from my Spring slumber,
    M’dream of returning to m’country lost is encumber’d.

    Quietly, quietly I remain,
    The moon lingers, lingers in vain.
    From rolling up, the green curtains refrain.
    I rub and twist the dying petals with my fingers that hold,
    I crush them for their remaining sweet scent to unfold,
    I, thus, just want time (howe’er little) to be controlled.


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