《山石》 韓愈 (768-824) 江紹倫英譯

《Mountain Rocks》Han Yu

山石犖確行徑微  The mountain path is narrow between jagged rocks craggy
黃昏到寺蝙蝠飛  Bats flutter overhead as I arrive at the temple toward eve
升堂坐階新雨足  After the stairs I sit down my feet are wet with rain
芭蕉葉大梔子肥  Broad leaf banana trees grow beside fat elecampane
僧言古壁佛畫好  A monk shows me the Buddha murals on an ancient wall
以火來照所見稀  He illuminates the art work magnificent and tall
鋪床拂席置羹飯  My bed is prepared and a meal is carefully set
疏糲亦足飽我饑  The coarse rice and vegetables keep me adequately fed Continue reading

《自詠三十九歲》 黃克強(1874-1916) 江紹倫英譯

《Sing to Thirty-nine Years》 Huang Keqiang

三九年知四十非  At thirty-nine I ought to know not to err next year
大風歌罷不如歸  Better return to Nature and keep memories of yesteryear
驚人事業隨流水  Most astonishing accomplishments trickle away
愛我園林想落暉  I love to appreciate my garden and trees in sunset rays Continue reading

《到香港》《夜起》《己亥雜詩二首》黃遵憲(1848-1905) 江紹倫英譯

《到香港》《Visiting Hong KongHuang Zun Xiang

水是堯時日夏時Water and sun are from dynasties ancient
衣冠又是漢官儀Clothing styles are of Han tradition
登樓四望真吾土Watching from the tower all lands are our own
不見黃龍上大旗I see no yellow dragon on the flags flown Continue reading

《春愁》《離台詩》《元夕無月》《山村即目(三首)》《舟中望荼盤山》 丘逢甲(1864-1912) 江紹倫英譯

《春愁》  《Spring Sorrow》Qiu Feng Jia

春愁難遣強看山  Spring sorrow lingers I look up the mountain
往事驚心淚欲潸  Past events frightful tears ready to fountain
四百萬人同一哭  Four million countrymen cry in unison
*去年今日割台灣  A year ago this day Taiwan was in cessation *(17 April 1895) Continue reading

《登岳麓山(1905年)》 蔡鍔(1882-1916) 江紹倫英譯

《Ascending Mount Yue Lu》 Cai E蔡鍔

蒼蒼雲樹直參天    Deep blue cloud-tall trees spear the sky
萬水千山拜眼前    Ten thousand hills and rills appear in sight
I survey the central plain wondering who occupies the ruling seat
Quietly and at ease I ride my steed atop the peak

[《小鳳以挽蔡鍔聯》《Xiao Feng Moans Cai E》 Continue reading

《秋女俠墓》《哭執信》胡漢民(1879-1936) 江紹倫英譯

The Tomb of Qiujin《The Tomb of Qiujin》 Hu Hanmin

Was assassin of the Qing Emperor an accomplishment
Our present society is still full of uncertain elements
How I like to honour you at the Wind and Rain Pavilion
I moan for you even when it is not autumn

《哭執信》《Weeping for a Martyred Friend》 Continue reading

《水調歌頭 – 甲午》梁啟超 (1873-1929)江紹倫英譯

梁啟超_1《Tune: Prelude to Water Melody – Unequal Treaties of 1895》Leung Qi Chao

拍碎雙玉鬥  A pair of national gems shattered
慷慨一何多  How very generous
滿腔都是血淚  A song made up by tears and bleeding
無處著悲歌  No sign of grieving

三百年來王氣  Three hundred years of imperial comforts
滿目山河依舊  Hills and rills in same old consort
人事竟如何  Why change the governing put-up

百戶尚牛酒  Hundreds of nobles in hard drinking
四塞已干戈  All four frontiers in fighting
千金劍  Swords in gold
萬言策  Lengthy plans on hold
兩蹉跎  They are but shows

醉中呵壁自語  When drunken one engages in rambling
醒後一滂沱  When awake drown in heavy raining
不恨年華去也  Care not time and life energy gone
只恐少年心事  Fear youthful thoughts and acts revolutionary
強半為銷磨  Half exerted void of productivity

願替眾生病  I accede to bear the ills of our people
稽首禮維摩  I bow to Buddha for wise counsel


《Self-exhortation Two Verses)》Leung Qi Chao梁啟超

平生最惡牢騷語  I have always disliked words babbling
作態呻吟苦恨誰  Bustling moans would find no willing recipient
萬事禍為福所倚  Ten thousand misfortunes arise from ready dependency
百年力與命相持  A hundred years of diligence prevails with destiny

立身豈患無餘地  Self-actualization will further opportunities plenty
報國惟憂或後時  Caring for the motherland must never be tardy
未學英雄先學道  Learning to know The Way should precede heroic wishes
肯將榮瘁校群兒  I am content to ground my effulgence with peer successes Continue reading

《薄暮》《落日》 《祝月》《辭諸生詩》廖燕(1644-1705) 江紹倫英譯

《薄暮》《Early Dusk》Liao Yan

薄暮西郊外  Outside the west suburb dusk sets in gradually
扶筇過野塘  I walk with my cane to visit a wild pond leisurely
閑看歸客急  A traveler hurries home as I keep watch
匹馬向斜陽  Behind the setting sun his horse gallops stopping not Continue reading