《登岳麓山(1905年)》 蔡鍔(1882-1916) 江紹倫英譯

《Ascending Mount Yue Lu》 Cai E蔡鍔

蒼蒼雲樹直參天    Deep blue cloud-tall trees spear the sky
萬水千山拜眼前    Ten thousand hills and rills appear in sight
I survey the central plain wondering who occupies the ruling seat
Quietly and at ease I ride my steed atop the peak

[《小鳳以挽蔡鍔聯》《Xiao Feng Moans Cai E》 萬里南天鵬翼  A gigantic wing spreads ten thousand li up southern sky
君正扶摇  You rise bound to another cosmic site
那堪憂患餘生  How will I endure the plights of my remaining life
萍水姻緣成一夢  Our floating marriage is but a dream in flight

廿年北地胭脂  Twenty years a lone dame in the north
自悲淪落  In destitute and sorrow
赢得英雄知己 I won the affection of a hero
桃花颜色亦千秋  This colourful love will be immortal]

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