《山石》 韓愈 (768-824) 江紹倫英譯

《Mountain Rocks》Han Yu

山石犖確行徑微  The mountain path is narrow between jagged rocks craggy
黃昏到寺蝙蝠飛  Bats flutter overhead as I arrive at the temple toward eve
升堂坐階新雨足  After the stairs I sit down my feet are wet with rain
芭蕉葉大梔子肥  Broad leaf banana trees grow beside fat elecampane
僧言古壁佛畫好  A monk shows me the Buddha murals on an ancient wall
以火來照所見稀  He illuminates the art work magnificent and tall
鋪床拂席置羹飯  My bed is prepared and a meal is carefully set
疏糲亦足飽我饑  The coarse rice and vegetables keep me adequately fed
夜深靜臥百蟲絕  Hearing no insects I sleep sound through the quiet night
清月出嶺光入扉  The moon rises on mountain top and enters my room bright
天明獨去無道路  I leave the temple in the morning for a walk finding no road
出入高下窮煙霏  In the hazy terrain I walk up and down not knowing where to go
山紅澗碧紛爛漫  Dyed in red and green the mountain and brook vie for glamour
時見松櫪皆十圍  At times I meet an old pine its girth takes ten persons to measure
當流赤足踏澗石  I step in the running water to touch the pebbles my feet bare
水聲激激風吹衣  The rushing water sounds pleasing the winds flap my coat flare
人生如此自可樂  Life like such is wonderful indeed
豈必局束為人靰  Why be confined to follow other people’s leads
嗟哉吾黨二三子  All I need is to find friends two or three
安得至老不更歸  Back to nature we live to old age happy and free

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