《Self-exhortation Two Verses)》Leung Qi Chao
平生最惡牢騷語 I have always disliked words babbling
作態呻吟苦恨誰 Bustling moans would find no willing recipient
萬事禍為福所倚 Ten thousand misfortunes arise from ready dependency
百年力與命相持 A hundred years of diligence prevails with destiny
立身豈患無餘地 Self-actualization will further opportunities plenty
報國惟憂或後時 Caring for the motherland must never be tardy
未學英雄先學道 Learning to know The Way should precede heroic wishes
肯將榮瘁校群兒 I am content to ground my effulgence with peer successes
獻身甘作萬矢的 Dedicating to improve society I fear not ten thousand darts
著論求為百世師 Writing to awaken my people I aim to win generations’ hearts
誓起民權移舊俗 I vow to remove obsolete habits to celebrate civil liberty
更研哲理牖新知 And organize reasons and wisdom to enrich new knowledge
十年以後當思我 Ten years hence my deeds should be put in review
舉國猶狂欲語誰 Among a boisterous people what will be the burning issues
世界無窮願無盡 Our wishes are unlimited in a world of infinite possibilities
海天寥廓立多時 To the vast expanse of sky and sea I stand quietly