《入都 [其一]》《In the Capital (1 of 10)》李鴻章 (1823-1901) 江紹倫英譯

丈夫只手把吳鉤  I stand a man in hand a long hook my feat
意氣高於百尺樓  With a will high as a tower of one hundred feet
一萬年來誰著史  Ten thousand years of history who will write
三千里外欲封侯  Three thousand miles away who be knights Continue reading

《池上篇》李鴻章 (1823-1901) 江紹倫英譯

《From the Pond》    Li Hong Zhang



十畝之宅  In ten acres a house I dwell
五畝之園  A garden occupies half the dell
有水一池  A pond water beaming
有竹千竿  A thousand bamboos surrounding
勿謂土狹  It is not a place too small
勿謂地偏  Not away from a port of call
足以容膝  Suffice for me to sit
足以息肩  Suffice to quell my worry wisp
有堂有庭  With a hall and a yard to stroll
有橋有船  With a bridge and a boat to row
有書有酒  Books and wines
有歌有弦  Songs and strings
有叟在中  An old man sits in peace
白須飄然  His white beard flows at ease
識分知足  He knows himself and satisfaction
外無求焉  And cares little about other nations
如鳥擇木  姑務巢安Like a bird roosting in a chosen secure tree
如龜居坎  不知海寬Like a hare in its hole caring not the wide sea
靈鶴怪石  With a garden of spirited rock cranes
紫菱白蓮  A pond nurturing nuts and white lilies
皆吾所好  These my likings
盡在吾前  All in my presence Continue reading

《高陽台: 和嶰筠前輩韻》林則徐 (1785-1850) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Tall SunTerrace – Rhyme with Zhe My Senior》Lin Ze Xu

玉粟收餘  Jade opium a hefty harvest
金絲種後  Golden tobacco leaf they cultivate
蕃行別有蠻煙  British ships bring in smoking evils
雙管橫陳  Lying down with a double smoking gun at ease Continue reading

《中秋夜無月》《潛江雜詩十六首(5)》樊增祥(1846-1931) 江紹倫英譯

《Moonless Mid-Autumn Festival Night》Fan Zeng Xiang

亙古清光徹九州  Your pristine lights shine on China since old
只今煙霧鎖瓊樓  Today mist and fog cover your palace whole
莫秋遮斷山河影  Do not let your shadows dim our motherland bit by bit
照出山河影更愁  Dividing our hills and rills their parts no longer fit Continue reading

《八月十五夜太平洋舟中望月作歌》黃遵憲 (1848-1905) 江紹倫英譯

《Singing to the Moon from My Boat in the Pacific Ocean on the Fifteenth Night of the Eighth Moon》Huang Zun Xian

大千世界共此月  A thousand worlds in the cosmos own this moon
世人不共中秋節  Not everyone celebrates the Mid-autumn Festival
泰西紀歷二千年  The Western world marks its time in two millennial
祇作尋常數圓缺  And notes the moon’s crest and fullness in cycles

《落日》《南征》《閣夜》《八月十五夜月》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《落日》      《Sunset》

落日在簾鉤  The setting sun hangs on my screen hook
溪邊春事幽  Early spring affairs flow in murmuring brook
芳菲緣岸圃  Riverbanks green emanating fragrance sweet
樵爨倚灘舟  Woodcutters rest on mooring boats to eat
啅雀爭枝墜  Birds bicker for falling sprigs
飛蟲滿院遊  Swarming all over the courtyard are ephemerides
濁醪誰造汝  It matters not how liqueurs are distilled
一酌散千憂  One sip will dispel hundreds of cares to nil  Continue reading

《贈衛八處士》杜甫(712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《To Hermit Wei》Untitled2

人生不相見  How often in life we fail to meet
動如參與商  Moving like Orion and Scorpion on separate feet
今夕復何夕  This our night by lucky feats
共此燈燭光  Together by candlelight we sit
少壯能幾時  How many youthful days can we count
鬢發各已蒼  Before grey hairs on our heads mount Continue reading

《無家別》杜甫 (712-770) 江紹倫英譯

《No Kin to Say Adieu》

寂寞天寶後  Ever since the Tianbao Rebellion in the last reign
園廬但蒿藜  Homes and gardens deserted pigweeds thrive in rain
我裏百餘家  For the hundred families in my hometown
世亂各東西  All had fled the confusion east or west bound
存者無消息  Among those living no news is available
死者為塵泥  The dead had become dust and mud not noble
賤子因陣敗  Defeated at the front I have returned Continue reading

 《客亭》《舟前小鵝》《又呈吳郎》《江邊星月二首》杜甫(712-770)  江紹倫英譯

《客亭》《Passing Lodge》

秋窗猶曙色  Tis an autumn dawn outside the window
落木更天風  Through the naked trees whipping winds blow
日出寒山外  From beyond the cold hills the sun rises
江流宿霧中  Amid lingering fogs the river meanders nigh
聖朝無棄物  Our Imperial Court abandons no one resourceful
老病已成翁  Sickness and aging have made me unable
多少殘生事  What else could be important in a life dwindling
飄零似轉蓬  Everything drifts willing or unwilling Continue reading

《無題》《遊華山感懷》《詠華山》《柳老渡台來訪》張學良 (1910-2001) 江紹倫英譯

《無題》  《No Title》

自古英雄多好色  All heroes love beauties since old
好色未必皆英雄  Not all beauty lovers are mighty and bold
吾輩雖非英雄漢  Though a hero I am not
唯有好色似英雄  I love beauties as a hero ought Continue reading